• Member Since 4th Feb, 2022
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Jamie Wolf

I love Luna! Luna is the best. I enjoy hearing any feedback. Make sure to say hi! Thanks for visiting! :)

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  • 71 weeks
    Current status

    Hi everyone!

    I’m sorry for the lack of content this year so far; grad school keeps me extremely busy!

    I’m planning on returning to both Presence and Star Strider sometime in April when my schedule clears a bit. I thank you all for your patience!

    If you have any suggestions about these stories, feel free to comment or message me with them so I have time to implement!

    Stay amazing!

    0 comments · 74 views
  • 101 weeks
    In need of suggestions and review!

    Hi anyone who sees this! I have found myself craving to write a one-shot short story of romance between two characters! Any pairing is fine, I just can’t think of any! If you like what I’ve written so far, or if you’re just stopping in for a first, I’d love to hear your opinion.

    I also would love to meet with someone who has a pretty decent grasp on writing and have the help me finish my long story with setup for a sequel! Please let me know if interested!

    2 comments · 127 views

Current status · 8:30pm Mar 11th, 2023

Hi everyone!

I’m sorry for the lack of content this year so far; grad school keeps me extremely busy!

I’m planning on returning to both Presence and Star Strider sometime in April when my schedule clears a bit. I thank you all for your patience!

If you have any suggestions about these stories, feel free to comment or message me with them so I have time to implement!

Stay amazing!

Report Jamie Wolf · 74 views · Story: Presence ·
Comments ( 59 )
  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59

As soon as I finish this semester up, I’ll have a chapter for presence out and continue writing a couple of the drafts up. Star Strider is currently finished, I just have yet to publish the chapters and want to revise them. Expect some progress before the new year!

Any updates? New stuff on the way? GIVE ME FREE THINGS

It’s so well written. Honestly incredible job!

ReallY? Huh. That might just be the nicest thing anyone's ever said about that story. (aside from my bestie of course.) I'm happy it made such an impact on you.

Always! That story inspired 2 of mine (one of which I’m writing right now!) it’s just so emotional and plays exactly how I would have imagined!

  • Viewing 55 - 59 of 59
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