• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen July 5th


I am what you would call a...enthusiast. I apologize for bad spelling, but I always enjoy intelligent conversation. So come one and all you are welcome to visit.

Comments ( 242 )
  • Viewing 238 - 242 of 242

Ah, I remember you. We both had a chat awhile ago, nearly two years or more, on my profile. Doubt you remember since the conversation was rather brief, but it's nice seeing that I still recognise some people here at least.

How are you doing? You still exist here or have you left it like I did for awhile?

1856521 hmmm maybe so but the future is unsure...

1856520 yes... splendorman

  • Viewing 238 - 242 of 242
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