"Any religion that allows or commands you to pass judgement on, convert by force, or kill another human being is not a religion that serves any interpretation of any God or Gods above." Unknown
We shouldn’t blame others for things we do not like. There is no shame in just not liking something.
Joined after being a Brony since at least 2013. I want to write stories about lesbians and odd off ideas I have, proven I ever got around to that.
"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar; you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say." Tyrion Lannister.
What I write is a disgrace to the fandom. Last chance to walk away! ~She/they~ Formerly known as TheHorseWriter
The Man. The Legend. The World's Strongest Writer™
Brony, Star Wars nut, OCD and on the Autistic Spectrum
Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, Occasional Singer
Was inspired to write, and write shall I do.
Current user and of Criticizer (Dec, 25, 2018-present) Former user (April, 4th-Dec, 25, 2018) Not joking. It's true.
Take a minute to be kind to someone today, even if that someone is you. We all need a little more kindness, giving and receiving.
I'm just an humble (wanna-be) MLP fanfic author and fanartist. I also love drawing fancomics and worshipping Applejack (as well as Rainbow Dash and Daring Do. In that order).
Be sure to leave me a comment if you enjoyed something I did. I live for them. Like what I do? Consider becoming a Patron!
I am a memebr of the Guardians of Equestria fleet on Star Trek Online
Virginibus puerisque canto. - Horace | O tempora, o mores! - Cicero | Ex Africa semper aliquid novi. - Pliny The Elder
"Of all the terrible batponies in the world, you're the least terrible."~PresentPerfect🐴Ponk & GlimGlam are best ponies🐴Text 714-496-3119 with the name of an MLP character to get a cute picture!
Open to Stories concept suggestions just send me a PM
Hello everypony! My name is Sarah Dino Runnerhoof! I LOVE reading stories about MLP, loves cats, dinosaurs, chocolate milk, being cute, kind, and silly! I am on a robotics team.
You can just call me Rae. She/her pronouns. 19 years old and I've already wasted half my life. I'm just a silly gal who loves writing that quality LGBT content.
Hello everypony I’m Glim Glam 65 I may not be good at writing stories. But that doesn’t mean I won’t try. Everyone’s my friend here.
I love music, videogames, tabletop games, shows, movies, books and comics
Otherwise known as Alastor Deer Daddy~
I am here only to please my fellow readers and am eager to see mlp Fim used in any artistic form and I lookforward to seeing the tallents of the internets writers brought to life
Just a person that reads, writes, and reviews stuff. Oh, and draws(now practices animation).
Hey, I love Jesus and I like ponies. Is there really anything more to life than that? ^_^
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you on fire.
Hey! It’s your favourite boxer here. Just chilling. Won’t be on much though we can catch up on discord.
The grasp of evolution is already behind us. To progress, we must take the reins into our own hands.
I write a variety of stories in different styles.My Patreon Page
I am over 50, married, and have a pre-teen daughter. I love Disney, MLP, the Beatles "Yellow Submarine", and Harry Potter. I think Alan Rickman was the sexiest actor ever!
Just a massive MLP fan hoping to please you by writing decent fanfiction and reviews.
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" Dr. Suess and Bernard Baruch