• Member Since 30th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2021

Sarah Dino Runnerhoof

Hello everypony! My name is Sarah Dino Runnerhoof! I LOVE reading stories about MLP, loves cats, dinosaurs, chocolate milk, being cute, kind, and silly! I am on a robotics team.


Happy Halloween and Nightmare Night! · 1:08am Nov 1st, 2021

Happy Halloween and Nightmare Night Everypony!
I hope everyone is having a great night and staying safe.
I am having a great time as well. I had a few trick or treaters. I am currently hanging out at a Halloween party with my family so I can't be on here for long.

I hope you all enjoyed all the music blogs that I did.

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Report Sarah Dino Runnerhoof · 255 views ·

Just Halloween Music! Plus Ponies! · 12:07am Oct 31st, 2021

Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!
Here's the Halloween and Ponies one!

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Report Sarah Dino Runnerhoof · 212 views ·

DOOM and One winged angel (A Re-do) · 12:00am Oct 31st, 2021

Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!

Here's DOOM and One Winged Angel edition! This has to be my favorite one!

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Report Sarah Dino Runnerhoof · 220 views ·

Halloween Music: Requiem For A Dream · 11:39pm Oct 30th, 2021

Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!

Here's the Requiem For A Dream edition!

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Report Sarah Dino Runnerhoof · 151 views ·

Halloween Music: Rock Edition · 11:29pm Oct 30th, 2021

Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!
Here's the Rock Music Edition!

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Report Sarah Dino Runnerhoof · 140 views ·

Halloween Music: Dark Music Edition · 11:24pm Oct 30th, 2021

Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!

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Report Sarah Dino Runnerhoof · 66 views ·

Halloween Music: Dracula Edition · 2:44pm Oct 29th, 2021

Hello every pony! Halloween is coming this weekend on Sunday and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music!
Today, I bring you Dracula music because he's a vampire and they are very Halloween! 🦇🎃🦇
I hope you will enjoy the music!

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Report Sarah Dino Runnerhoof · 77 views ·

Busy Times. · 3:23am Oct 27th, 2021

Hello my dear ponies. I know that I have not been on here since April 6th. There's just alot of things going on with my life and I have been meaning to get back on here but just a lot of stress been happening.

I do have a job now and it's going pretty well so far. Been working since back in September.

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Report Sarah Dino Runnerhoof · 152 views ·

I can't stop laughing at this!🤣🤣 · 6:36pm Apr 6th, 2021

Hello everypony! I know it's been a while but here I am.
I found a video this afternoon that I cannot stop laughing at. To me, it's very hilarious!

I not own the video! It belongs to it's respective owner!

Report Sarah Dino Runnerhoof · 200 views ·

Mars Rover landing on the surface of Mars! · 6:50pm Feb 22nd, 2021

Well, Nasa has a video of the Mars Rover Perseverance landing on Mars which I always wanted to an actual video of a Rover landing on Mars. I can't wait!:pinkiehappy:

Report Sarah Dino Runnerhoof · 183 views ·