• Member Since 18th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


"Any religion that allows or commands you to pass judgement on, convert by force, or kill another human being is not a religion that serves any interpretation of any God or Gods above." Unknown


One of the first things that everyone unaffected by the rapidly growing influence of Chaos was choose sides. For better or for worse, Maud Pie chose to stand with Sombra.
In the changed world one of the most valuable resources a kingdom can have is warriors who can resist the siren's song of Discord's power set free. Maud ventures into a forest heavily saturated with the untamable magic to gain another prized asset for her king.

A shamefully late birthday gift for Flawlessvictory20.

Chapters (1)

Discord has been trapped in stone along with all the chaos he tried to spread across Equestria. The only remaining free spark of his power resides in his heir. Screwball spent countless years evading the ever watchful eyes of the realm but grew bored of hiding her true self.
Boredom turned into spite.
Spite turned into a plan.
Then she got hungry, had a sandwich, and then she got to work.

A short belated birthday gift for my dear friend, Fluttercord45

Chapters (1)

Unfortunately for Discord, being a parent means that one day he will be needing to talk about sex with his daughter. Unfortunately for Screwball, her father is Discord. Can Discord handle making sure his daughter stays safe? Can Screwball handle Discord talking about it?

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy and Discord are expecting a foal; which means a few things in their lives need to change. For starters they need to make sure that their foal has a healthy birth despite a rather large complication.

Discord is filled to the brim with magic. Any child he conceives must be born of similar magic. Currently Fluttershy is not equipped to see the pregnancy to the desired outcome.
The solution must be born of Chaos. Are they prepared to do what it takes?
Is Fluttershy prepared to fully give herself to Chaos to start their family?

Sex tag: because sometimes one plus one adds up to three.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy has often thought about what it would be like to be somepony's pet and Discord is more than eager to satisfy her curiosity for an afternoon.

Contains clopless pet play and two very brief mentions of sexual themes.

Chapters (1)

Discord has settled in to a domesticated sort of life with his mate Fluttershy but he still retains wild urges. Sometimes he acts on them and sometimes he gets real excited about acting on them.

I blame Fluttercord45 for this one.

Chapters (1)

Flutterbat and Timberjack are solitary hunters. Crossing onto each other's territory can only be seen as a challenge. When they meet in the forest their instincts demand retribution. Who will be allowed to claim the best clearing in the forest? Who will be the one to rise from the chaotic flames of conflict?

Only the strongest are permitted to live.

*Contains fantasy violence

Chapters (1)

Discord and Fluttershy relax in their home with their newborn daughter while preparing for their next arrival.
Their second child arrives on the same wave of innocent chaos as their first.

Set after the events of Forward

Chapters (1)

Discord and Fluttershy return from their honeymoon, enjoy a quiet afternoon in loving embrace and plan their future.
And then their future happens.

Just a short something I wanted to write to celebrate having 100 likes for my fic Intimacy
Sex tag is used because the subject gets brought up.

Chapters (3)