• Member Since 14th Dec, 2011
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Steel Resolve

Be sure to leave me a comment if you enjoyed something I did. I live for them. Like what I do? Consider becoming a Patron!


This story is a sequel to Green

Celestia had resigned herself to a life of solitude, and had grown comfortable with that idea. She wasn't interested in sycophants who wanted to dote on her, or in anypony who would wish to marry her for power's sake. But she still yearned for the true love of somepony who loved her for herself, so much so that it's quite literally driven her a little mad.

Luna, after being banished for one thousand years, was merely looking for good friends, and good times with them. But after seeing other possibilities, she begins to think of romance once again, albeit not in the forms that she'd previously thought of as the norm.

Both find love when they least expect it, neither quite know what to do when they find it.

Rated Teen for moments of sensuality, foreplay, and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.
Assistance by Karrakaz, Blue_Paladin42, TheGreatEater, Setokaiva
Cover Image by Nova Quill/Firimil, used with permission.
Additional graphical design by Novel-Idea.

Chapters (14)

Discord has found Tirek, and is about to parade him back to his friends for their love and adoration. But an offer is made, an enticing offer... He'll need to talk this one over with a friend.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Mailbox Compilation

Rarity has had a horrible summer. She was invited to Baltimare to make costumes for a local play, inadvertently caused a citywide riot, and that was only the start of her problems. Now she is coming home, intent on seeing the one pony who might be able to bring a smile back to her face.

Co-written by the wonderful and talented xjuggernaughtx

Edited by Squinty Mudmane and Setokaiva


Part of the Mailboxverse.

Chapters (8)

It can be troubling at times, when you like nice quiet evenings, and your marefriends have a much different idea of fun. But then, being out of your comfort zone is what brought you together.

Written as a part of a group polyamory challenge for the Intelligent Shipping Discussion Group.

Chapters (1)

As the sun gives way to the night, a pegasus knocks on a window. She has a secret. One that, if revealed, would shame her forever. Yet she can't stay away.

Featured on Equestria Daily 1/29/2013

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy— and what might happen if she finds out Fluttershy feels the same way about her?
Rated Teen for moments of sensuality, foreplay, and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.
Assistance by Karrakaz, Blue_Paladin42, TheGreatEater, Setokaiva, Squinty Mudmane, Aurora, Starfall, and Ariamaki.
Cover Image by Megasweet, used with permission.
Image colored by Explosivegent.
Additional graphical design by Novel-Idea.
TV Tropes page can be found here, credited to Winter Lily.

Chapters (75)

A look into the felt and streamers mind of a pink pony who loves parties.

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up one morning to find she's undergone some changes. She shortly discovers she wasn't the only one. (New cover art by Jamey4 on deviantart http://jamey4.deviantart.com/)

Warning, this work of fiction contains multiple fourth wall breaks, massive silliness, and more than a trace amount of alicorns.
The author may or may not have snapped at times in the writing of this work, and it shows. Bring a towel, you may get wet.

Chapters (37)