Hey! It’s your favourite boxer here. Just chilling. Won’t be on much though we can catch up on discord.
I'm that 1 dash and Twi fan who writes stories about them. Big TwixDash shipper
Just a bisexual writer who writes for fun. My only dream is to save my people and see a brighter future for their children and my own.
rainbow dash is the fastest flyer in Equestria and is the elements of loyalty
I am a fanfic critic i will give your work a number from 1 to 200. But i will only mark your work if you have more then 10 fanfic storys
I am a fanfic critic i will give your work a number from 1 to 200. But i will only mark your work if you have more then 10 fanfic storys
What’s up, everyone. I’m a bat-winged alicorn named Switch Swap. I really like making new friends.
Hello! I'm Crystalbreeze. Micro/Macro stories are my thing, I love reading and writing them. Hope you do too :D
I am everything you've ever feared, disguised as a derpy little pony.
Long lost Princess of Crystal Empire | Writer & Editor | Admin@ Female Writers & Please Read My Story!
I don't write I just read unless you need help with your story, then I write... Well maybe an occasional story.
Otherwise known as Alastor Deer Daddy~
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
Ham is life, Ham is love...thy who controls the ham controls the universe. ( I am a novice Literature writer, a fan of animation and visual arts.)
" Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. "- ainz ooal gown
I am a Youtuber I have a Twitter @1DoctorPony I have lots story's to tell and I want to write some stuff for you all to enjoy
It is better to be kind in a world full of hate, then join that hate and become part of the problem. Simply be kind and better.