• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Jan 31st, 2020


I am everything you've ever feared, disguised as a derpy little pony.

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Found 2 stories in 19ms

Total Words: 6,603
Estimated Reading: 26 minutes


It's exactly what it sounds like. 6 colorful animated ponies, have found their way to Mayberry North Carolina. By accident of course.

Note: This story takes place during the events of season 4 of The Andy Griffith Show.


Cover Art by Brickstarrunner (Please note that dispite Spike being in the cover art, he doesn't actually appear in the story.)

Proofread by Me

Warning: Chapter 1 contains brief mild violence. Although it's not very descriptive, I thought I should still mention it. Just in case.

Chapters (2)

Is this the first DuckTales reboot crossover published on Fimfiction? Cool...

Note: This story takes place after the events of the DuckTales reboot episode "Last Christmas".


Cover Art by Hendro107

Proofread by Shakespearicles

Chapters (1)