I am an argentinian Brony, and i want to make the brony fandom as bigger as i can!
Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
Pegasister Since 2020, loves the Anon-a-Miss storylines, loves the Sunlight ship, is a Published Author IRL, & A Voice Actress
New password requirement: "Your password must contain at least 8 characters, a capital, a plot, a protagonist with good character development, a twist & a happy ending. "
I've been a brony for 12 years since January 19th, 2013. Chip 'N Dale fan for 3 years, as well as a furry for 13 years. Male pronouns. Not taking any story requests at all.
I might not make stories, but i will read and comment.
Hey, I'm just here to read and maybe comment. Made the avatar myself based on a scene from the show. Hope whoever is reading this has a good (insert time of day here)!
For those who wants to get to know me i may be 21 years old and feel like a teenage boy who may feel small but i got a BIG imagination inside me
Extravagant Storyteller Extraordinaire at your service. Spinning tales here and there you mean ol moon, that is what my instruments do.
i love to read, but im a terrible writer.... dont expect any fics from me...