• Member Since 17th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Just a massive MLP fan hoping to please you by writing decent fanfiction and reviews.


It's been weeks since Twilight had defeated both Midnight Sparkle and Gloriosa, the moment when I'd first started realizing my feelings for her. Now I've decided to finally ask her out. I'm sure it'll work out. Or not. Oh well, there's only one way to find out.

Note: in this universe Twilight and Timber never became a thing

An entry into Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Endings

Chapters (4)

There is an exotic world out there where magic is common. So much so that it shapes the way the entire world works. There are many schools dedicated to training magicians, magic is a big part of creating and preparing food, the development of transportation has been changed by magic, and there are companies that hire skilled magicians to send on missions too dangerous for a regular person. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle are members of one of these companies, and even among the experienced magicians that work there, they are powerful.

Many months after Sunset had turned over a new leaf, her life is pretty good. She's gotten used to her new way of life after being commanding and aggressive for so long, she has a stable job that provides a good income, she has a decent amount of friends, and she's even started dating Twilight after liking her for so long. There are occasional rumors about her that slightly soil her newly built reputation, but it's nothing she can't deal with. One day, though, there's a rumor that threatens to ruin her life, and the disastrous effects of it begin destroying her life. Sunset and Twilight wonder why someone would tell such a horrible lie. Little does the couple know that the rumor has a bit more truth to it than they think...

An entry in Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Contest: Journeys

P.S. Again (like last year), I apologize for the cover not really reflecting the story, but it was the closest thing I could find to a fitting picture. Also, the story is rated T, but I wouldn't bat an eye if someone well under the age of 13 read it. It's just to be on the safe side.

Chapters (8)

Twilight and some of her friends from distant (very distant) lands come together to discuss how they can make Fedairkid's birthday party something really special. The answer may be more obvious than they think.
If it wasn't clear already, this story is a birthday present (a 2 months belated one, unfortunately, I seriously have no idea how it took so long) to Fedairkid, the wonderful editor who helped tremendously in the making of The Seasons of Earth and Love, and currently Twilight vs Tirek. I know Twilight is Fedairkid's favourite character (and mine too), so I thought this sort of story would be great for him.

Chapters (1)

Sunset asks Rainbow to come meet her at Sugar Cube Corner. She has a confession to make, one which she'd been keeping secret for a long time. When Rainbow accepts, a wonderful relationship blooms...But, will it last ?
An entry into Oroboro's Sunset Shimmer Shipping Contest.

Edited with the help of Fedairkid, make sure to check him out, as he's got some really great stories!

Chapters (4)

Celestia and Twilight were walking together, and while passing through the garden, they came across an old statue of a dark alicorn. Twilight, being the inquisitive little unicorn she was, asked about it, and so Celestia told her about the statue. However, before she could finish, a sudden flash interrupts her, and the sight before her eyes gave Celestia the shock of her life.

An entry into the Nightmare Moon Picture Prompt Contest

Edited and Revised by Fedairkid

Chapters (1)

Celestia is unable to stop the two evil royal sisters, Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon knocking her out before she could destroy them. However, Daybreaker is stronger than Nightmare Moon, so Luna's evil counterpart is at a large disadvantage for the first half of the battle.
Soon, though, Nightmare Moon finds a way to increase her power, and her strength becomes equal to Daybreaker’s.
As the evil sisters battle, Celestia lays unconscious on the castle floors, Luna and Starlight trying to wake her up.

Chapters (2)

Tirek has stolen all the magic in the entire universe, and everything would be under his tyrannical rule forever...if it weren't for a certain Super Saiyan Blue that came to stop him, Goku.
Now, Goku must do battle with the strongest being to ever exist in this dimmension.
I think this should be obvious, but major spoilers for Dragon Ball Super, so if you aren't up to date with the show, you won't understand some things (oh, and p.s. this is going to be a lot more action involved than my other story, which is more about the journey to fight Tirek rather than the battle itself).

Chapters (5)

After Tirek released Twilight's friends, instead of letting Tirek steal all her alicorn magic, Twilight teleports her friends to a safe place and resumes her intense battle with Tirek. They are nearly equal, but then Tirek steals the hidden power of a certain earth pony and becomes far more powerful than an enraged Twilight with the power of Celestia, Luna and Cadance...

Note: It's best if you watched MLP Seasons 1-6 and all the movies in between before you read this story, though it's not strictly necessary; you'll just be confused in some places otherwise

Edited and Revised by Fedairkid until Meanwhile...

Chapters (14)