• Member Since 21st Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen April 4th


she/her. Doing better. I love my friends :3


Hope everyone had a good Easter · 10:40am April 2nd

I managed to see my UK boyfriend on Easter Sunday. He was feeling a little down, so I decided to surprise him.

I've already shared this story on Discord, so sorry for those who have heard it already! :twilightblush:

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Report TheMysteryMuffin · 375 views ·

I Can Confirm I Am Ok · 1:58pm February 4th

I'm honestly surprised I'm still here, but I am. I realised what I'd be leaving behind and it would have been the worst mistake imaginable. Granted, I'm still not 100%, but I'm now in the care of my family for the duration of the weekend and this coming week, where I will be monitored at all times. I am just grateful that at least I am still here. My parents spoke with me this morning after hearing what was going through my head and reminded me that they loved me dearly no matter what and that

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Report TheMysteryMuffin · 1,194 views ·

Suicide · 3:44pm February 1st

I think I'm done with life now. No matter what I do, no matter what I say, no matter what I believe in, no matter what I chose, someone is always unhappy with me.

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Report TheMysteryMuffin · 5,082 views ·

Oh FUCKING fantastic · 12:51pm February 1st

Great, so it's getting worse. I thought the situation was dropped, but for whatever fucking reason the people involved in a recent false post about me thought "hey, I didn't spread enough BS about this user who did NOTHING wrong. Let's post some more". Clearly, I've learnt the hard way not to say anything about my personal life freely, because two users have now spread lies and false rumours about me on FiMfiction.

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Hope you all had a good Christmas · 2:59am Dec 29th, 2023

Just wanting to say that I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you a happy new year. Thanks for supporting what I do, especially since I have plans regarding writing for 2024.

Wishing each and everyone of you well.

Report TheMysteryMuffin · 226 views ·

Reflections · 7:09pm Dec 20th, 2023

Not everyone is going to be happy with "who I am". Not everyone will agree with the way "I live" for whatever reason. Despite the fact I've never broken the law in my country or purposely offended anyone in my life. But I guess I might as well update those who are still here on the current dilemmas I have come to face.

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Audio Dramas & Potential Brony YT Channel · 5:33pm Nov 18th, 2023

I am considering doing an audio drama series with my girlfriend on YouTube, once I've created a brony channel.

I will let you know at a later date what I'm thinking of and in the future, we will create some fundraising pages with 100% donations go to the project. But now it is a little early.

What do you lot think?

There will be more information regarding casting if enough people are interested.

Report TheMysteryMuffin · 111 views ·

I Am Not a Monster - NEW CHAPTER! · 3:48pm Sep 9th, 2023

The long-awaited next chapter of I Am Not a Monster is out now! Check it out! Art by Colorsound

Report TheMysteryMuffin · 114 views ·

Current scenarios · 2:23pm Aug 7th, 2023

Hi everyone. I'm alive. Yes, I'm still here. It's your girl, Mystery.

So, I just need to explain some things regarding the current situation and other important notices that have revolved around my life so far and this year, 2023.

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Report TheMysteryMuffin · 267 views ·

How is everyone? · 12:12pm Jul 2nd, 2023

I hope everyone is well. I've been travelling across Europe while video editing and writing audio dramas, so that's been fun. I came out to my family about being trans and now I'm seeing a gender therapist, which is going well. Finally, I'm hoping to travel to the USA next year alone to spend some times with one of my girlfriends, so that's nice.

Hopefully, if you celebrate it, you all had a good and safe Pride month. And I hope you all are having a good summer.

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