• Member Since 28th Nov, 2011
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An autistic Christian who likes MLP:FiM.


Share a Smile · 9:20pm Sep 11th, 2017

I've decided to get into something called "Share a Smile," which is explained by an author on this site known as Crystal-Wishes.  Here's how she explained it:

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RIP Adam West (1928-2017) · 8:20pm Jun 11th, 2017

It is with deep regret that I announce the passing of a legendary icon in both television and comic book hero history: Adam West, the man who played the iconic Batman from the titular tv show during the late 1960s. I was not only saddened about his passing this Friday but also quite devastated for I have longed to wanting to meet the man himself someday but now find those anticipations crashing down in flames.:fluttercry:

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Read a New Story · 12:28am Apr 14th, 2017

Just read a new short story about the snobbish Prince Blueblood coming into a bar complaining to the bartender about losing his chance to being married to Princess Celestia's aid since she married another stallion instead of him. I found it very amusing and funny at the same time (this is Prince Blueblood we're talking about) but I was unable to comment on it because the author had sadly blocked me. Thus I decided to have my comments of it expressed on this blog entry in order to let them out.

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Please don't let YouTube die · 6:55pm Apr 9th, 2017

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We've lost another childhood Icon · 10:44pm Apr 6th, 2017

Today, we've lost another icon from many of our childhoods: Don Rickles, who played the voice of Mr. Potato Head of Toy Story and the dragon head Cornwall from Warner Brother's Quest for Camelot has died today at the age of 90. I was very saddened when I heard about his passing today on account that those were two characters I grew up with during my childhood. But still, may he rest in peace and please pray for his family as well.

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Honoring Russia · 12:51am Apr 4th, 2017

Let us now think and remember the lives lost in terrorist attacks in Russia. May they all rest in peace.

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Colossi voices · 5:49am Nov 6th, 2015

Greetings, everyone! I have an announcement to make regarding My Little Colossi. I'm going to list the Colossi and who their voices sound like, including the voice actor, and roles they've played during their careers. Observe below:

1. Celosia - Joshua Seth (Tai, Digimon)

2. Cenobia - Frank Welker (Peewit, The Smurfs)

3. Gaius - Richard Epcar (Raiden, Mortal Kombat (2011)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDKK8Ke77EI

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Reminder to all watchers and readers · 2:31am Aug 21st, 2015

Although Ch. 2 of My Little Colossi is up, I still haven't finished applying edits for it. So please be aware of that if you see anything out of place in it, those are part of the edits I'm applying (suggested by the editor for it). Okay? Have fun reading, everyone.

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