• Member Since 20th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2019

Codex Ex Equus

The writing account of Deus Ex Equus.


This story is a sequel to Changeling Courtship Rituals

Queen Chrysalis attacked Canterlot, brainwashed Twilight Sparkle's brother, kidnapped her former foalsitter, defeated her mentor in combat, and conquered her kingdom. She kidnapped the sisters of Twilight's friends, turned them against one another, and tried to drain all of Twilight's magic. Queen Chrysalis has, at every opportunity, done her very best to utterly destroy Twilight Sparkle's life.

For some reason, this has not caused the pony to fall in love with her.

However, due to Twilight's misunderstanding of changeling customs, it does mean they are now married. Twilight eventually managed to tell the Queen the truth, but she forgot that whether it's a kingdom or a heart, changelings conquer.

And since the changeling way of conquest didn't work, Chrysalis is determined to try the pony way. The only problem is, of course, she has no idea what that is. But she knows someone who does: Princess Cadance.

Now, with the absolutely sincere help of her mortal enemy, the pony she once locked in the caves beneath Canterlot while trying to steal her husband on their very wedding day, Queen Chrysalis is going to woo the sister-in-law of that very pony.

Surely this is the most perfect plan ever devised.


Proofread by ShutterflyYay.

Takes place roughly after season five (so Starlight Glimmer is running around occasionally)

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 1495 )

Ive only read the title description, and already im having a hard time not laughing. Let us begin X)

about half way through the chapter starting at ...

"Poisoned. Poisoned. As in, Chrysalis actually got Celestia to drink poison." Twilight nodded, and Applejack put her hooves to her head. "How… how are you okay with that?!"

The entire chapter goes into BOLD TEXT.

Ya may want to fix that

The bold broke in the chapter somewhere.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaannd here's the sequel we've been waiting for! Watch as it hits the feature box in about an hour.

Alright, the sequel has arrived!:yay::pinkiehappy:

I'm so psyched but over half of the chapter is bolded! Makes it really hard to read could you fix it please?:twilightsmile:

Can't wait until the next chapter, keep up the good work!

Shouldn't it say it's the sequel on the top of the story?

What a great start. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Finally, this has come out. I've wanted this for a while, but it's going on the read it later list scratch that, it's going on the tracking list so I can actually remember to read the first chapter.

Queen Chrysalis attacked Canterlot, brainwashed Twilight Sparkle's brother, kidnapped her former foalsitter, defeated her mentor in combat, and conquered her kingdom. She kidnapped the sisters of Twilight's friends, turned them against one another, and tried to drain all of Twilight's magic. Queen Chrysalis has, at every opportunity, done her very best to utterly destroy Twilight Sparkle's life.

And it's amazing how badly you screw up afterwards, isn't it Chrysalis? I mean, trying to drain Twlight's magic made her go to absolute town on your ass, if I recall. She beat you to a freaking pulp. And recently you got owned by Thorax, a lowly Changeling drone.

Seriously Chrysalis. At least Sombra managed to be slightly more competent.

Oh well. Let's look at this story and see what's up and up. By the way, the author's avatar makes me chuckle heartily.

you should probably use the actual sequel marker. i thought this was some kind of plaguarized version until i realized you were the same guy who wrote the other one, and THEN read past the end of the description to see that this was, in fact, a sequel.

7658263 I also thought someone was trying to rip you off, lol.

Told you so

Welcome back to the feature box

this is so odd, today i was thinking about reading Changeling Courtship Rituals again again, then when i go to read it again, i find this story X3

note: Chrysalis x Twilight is my fav ship X3

Twilight rolled her eyes. "I told Chrysalis to just use a drone, or maybe a gatherer for him, but nooooo, she wanted an infiltrator. 'Only the best for my love's friends', she said. And what happens? He gets way too into the part, and now for all intents and purposes we have two Bluebloods running around. And he's so conceited they've become best friends and teamed up! I keep asking Chrysalis to recall him just so Canterlot can get some peace, but he's a 'method actor' and he 'is' the role now, and she refuses!"

Two Bluebloods tag-team! It is a miracle that Canterlot is still standing!


Green fire.

Burning everywhere.

Pinkie's right you know, when it's a clone, it's not incest. Technically, it's masterbation. :twilightoops::rainbowlaugh:

I must say, you are a master of writing story descriptions. :rainbowlaugh:

Here's hoping the story behind it is just as amazing and hilarious!

oh gods twilight, why did you have to think that?!

I reread your last story but could not find a scene in it where twilight wants to put her hoof through chrysalis's holes was that your story or another changeling story? I might just be making stuff up again. lol Anywho glad to read more of this.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS THE SEQUEL!!!!!! :yay: :trollestia: :pinkiecrazy: :heart: :rainbowwild:

Ooh, it's here. I am happy.

Getting a major Deja Vu here, but I'll give it a read.

Time for Chrysalis to learn about the other side of the dating coin.

Okay, you have my attention. This can only end hilariously.

Let's Fucking GOOOO

Best news EVER!!!

I'm crying of joy QwQ

Twilight's head came back up, and she let out a sigh, expression dreamy. "The night after I sent her that letter, she attacked my castle."

I think Chryssi is rubbing off on Twilight a little more than Twilight realizes... :rainbowlaugh:

7658241 Actually Chrysalis was doing pretty well that second time... until she threatened to turn a love-drained Twilight on her friends. Then Twilight flipped her lid. :rainbowlaugh:

And the shenanigans begin anew! :pinkiehappy:

I think may like this story more than the actual show! :pinkiehappy:

Going to fave it now and haven't even read it yet!!:pinkiehappy: After last story I know it will be good!

Long synopsis is looooooooooooooong...


Yes, I got a PM about that within an hour or so and fixed it. I blame the google docs import (and also the fact that I only ever looked at the story on this site in editing mode).


Is there a sequel marker somewhere? I see one for prequels, but nothing for sequels. This is actually the first time I've posted a sequel here, so pardon my ignorance. In any case, the description now says it's a sequel at the very top.

"Silly Twilight, it can't be incest if it's with yourself!" Pinkie chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Why do you think a month passed between when I first found the mirror pool and that day I accidentally created too many clones?"

I... Excuse me. I think this explains my reaction better than words or emoticons ever can. Hit it Joker!

Overreaction? Probably, but I found this far funnier than I probably should have.

So, this seems like the start of something amazing. So much was funny in this first chapter and then pinkie's comments and Twilight being adorable and...

Yep, definitely going to track this.

7658868 Here's how you mark something as a sequel:

Put the link to the first story (in this case, Changeling Courtship Rituals) in the slot marked for prequel.

"I'm sure what happened with Greenblood didn't help much either," Applejack said after a moment.
Twilight rolled her eyes. "I told Chrysalis to just use a drone, or maybe a gatherer for him, but nooooo, she wanted an infiltrator. 'Only the best for my love's friends', she said. And what happens? He gets way too into the part, and now for all intents and purposes we have two Bluebloods running around. And he's so conceited they've become best friends and teamed up! I keep asking Chrysalis to recall him just so Canterlot can get some peace, but he's a 'method actor' and he 'is' the role now, and she refuses!"


Fluttershy smiled approvingly, and he let out a sigh. "Good. And tell Chrysalis to keep her changelings away from me! I don't like it when I turn a pony into something and they just change back. It's… disconcerting. Not to mention a waste of my talents."
"You've been turning ponies into things again?" asked Fluttershy with a stern glare, turning to Discord.

Hahah! Busted!

7658868 If you're talking about where it says "prequel story" between "Title" and "Short Description" that's where you put the number for the prequel story to the one you are writing. You don't put the whole link in it, just the number. In this particular case: 288955 . When you next save, then go to a fresh page of your story, it will include the link to the previous story.

YES!!! It's finally here!!!

I was laughing my ass off as soon as I saw the coverart, and the rest didn't disappoint.
I wonder what happened on that first date...

"I'm sure what happened with Greenblood didn't help much either,"

Prince Greenblood? Nuh can't resist, resistance is futile!

"Imagine Chrysalis wearing an outfit like that."
Twilight's body went rigid, her eyes widening and wings twitching.

This seems apt for their history

ohhh man, I kind of hoped it picks up where it stopped last time, or not that much later.

Not sure if Starlight was there last time, but even if Starlight is one of my favourites, I don't like it if storys are just updated to a certain point, because the show keeps showing new stuff.

I don't like it, but other storys do it worse if they suddenly try to add a certain element that would actually have to happen much later or stuff like that.

Now it is just Rarity being Rarity, but I seriously hope that this isn'T starting to sound like Twilight wants to please Rarity. I actually would like her to talk back to her one time, or havin Chrysalis to do it even if she likes Twilight, I believe she would notice if Twilight don't exactly likes that.

I'm happy for this sequel, and even if the first chapter was a bit weird with all the new stuff, the flashback or whatever I should call it, it wasn't exactly bad. 5/10 I guess.

I thought the thing with Greenblood was stupid, at least how Chrysalis explained it again, but I respect how she does things in this story for the most part.

I totally loved it when Chrysalis came back pleading to Twilight.
What is Cadance teaching Chrysalis? I mean that she tried to act like Twilight wouldn't mean anything to her on that first date? I hope it takes more for her to make her really loving Chrysalis, and not some sort of clichee that would make Rarity happy.

However it takes more to take the fun from this story, I'm really happy that I'm finally get to read more.

This will be a beautiful disaster. I'm on board with this already.

The fallout when Twilight finds out Chrysalis has been getting dating advise from Cadence and that Cadence appears to have been trying to sabotage their relationship is going to be epic.

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