• Member Since 17th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen June 17th



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Hey guys! · 2:06am Jul 19th, 2021

Yeah, it’s been a while. I’m honestly not that much into MLP now sadly…I mean I still think it’s cool, I’m just not obsessive over it. As for news: I am now 21 years old!

But my main reason for posting is this: I know that EQG is pretty much dead (without a proper finale, either!) but: do we EVER find out if the Dazzlings are sisters or not? Like has Hasbro ever come out about that? I know a lot of you seem to think that they are, and I totally agree. Just, is it canon?

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Thanks for the fave on "Proper Popcorn"!

Thank you very much for liking my story ^^

Thanks for Favoriting King Sombra Hates Kinderquestria!

Thank you for the favourite. Glad you enjoyed it.

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