• Member Since 6th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Daemon McRae

The magic comedy hoers.


The Canterlot Reformation, Reintegration, and Parole Office. Where supervillains, other-dimensional monstrosities, and general ne'er-do-wells are sent to become better people and reintegrated into society after their encounters with the Elements of Harmony. Some are just there for the therapy.

Surrounding some concerns about the turnover rate of villainy and general evildoing in Equestria lately, Twilight Sparkle (a.k.a. the entire reason the department EXISTS), decides to take a good look at the inner workings of the CRRaP Office. Or, more accurately, audit them.

Unfortunately, its staff includes five mares who are a hair's breadth away from turning evil themselves. If they could be bothered to give a damn.

Somepony's gonna lose their job.

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 128 )

You know... this explains a lot...

They may be in trouble

This is good. Keep going.

Oh, they are so screwed. :trollestia:

And I now know how Trixie find the Alicorn Amulet. :facehoof:

You had my interest. Now you have my attention.

...oh this is gonna be fun.

Ah, a Shadowbolts story of them being the best worst ponies. I approve.

her shaggy main


“We could try… being good at our jobs?”

This fits far too many people I serve in the military with.

Poor Sunny! I feel your pain.:raritydespair:

“We could try… being good at our jobs?”
The group exchanges looks for a moment, then bursts out laughing.

welcome to the land of minimum wage! (And retail) That conversation is the break room.

“Ha! Hahahahawe are so fired,” Indigo laughs nervously.

Yes, Indigo. You're Fired

Time and Motion studies only work with machines.

Very large, very heavy, well designed, well built, well treated,


I really hope Twilight remembered to bring her Pinkie and Discord to Reality handy translation guide with her.:twilightoops:

I cant decide if i should feel sympathy for them or malicious joy.

I really like this story, but the first-person viewpoint changes are very confusing, especially since there doesn't seem to be any indication of who it switches to. Am I missing something in the format?

EDIT: I heartily approve of the idea that Sugarcoat gets laid way more often than any of the others.

...yeah, never underestimate someone with OCPD and their obsession with organization.

In the UK, its called WalkSort. you throw all the post for a given area into one bin, the postie for that area takes the bin, then Block Pidgeon sorts to the given road he walks down, then reverse pidgeon or Quick sorts as he goes.

Stick Twilight on the Mail Train. That would keep her happy. Going round and round and round. :trollestia:

Its a real pity they didnt have Johnsons Sorting Machine. Would explain Discord. :pinkiecrazy:

I wonder if :twilightoops: ends ups as one of CRRAP's patients by the end of this fic?

with a bit mgeaty paw


her hair wildly frazzled, covered in bruised,


Somehow, I'm not surprised that Twilight lost to the mail room.

...Sugarcoat raises a good point.

8393433 But she didn't know he was gay! :derpytongue2:

sorted before patients start calling my crying again,” I explain.

calling *me

she[/i[ tipped off her mark.

Formatting error.

most of your… complaints seem to stem from the fact that you’re, well, brutally honest.

Emphasis on the brutal.

I, unfortunately, am not crazy,

Are you sure about that?

“Then why don’t you smile more?” She asks, genuinely curious.

no capital she

Classic Catch 22. Everyone knows that to get the job you have to be crazy, but if youre crazy you cant have a job unless you have a letter from the therapist, but to pay up front to see the therapist you need the job.:twilightoops:

Princess Twilight, you're fired.

Hey, Author Guy... I found this, and thought it would make a good cover photo for this story instead of the EqG version.


Yes, except in my story, Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare are unicorns, Lemon Zest is an Earth Pony, and Sour Sweet is a pegasus.

Well, Indigo at least knows how to do her job.

What the Tartarus kind of ponies do you think we have working for us?

*holds up a mirror to Indigo* *also holds up a picture of Twi because reasons*

Well, I don't believe that Twilight the book worm and scholar wouldn't know what would happen when certain chemicals are mixed, but other than that I've really loved this story so far.

Shes going to need a bigger rolled up newspaper. :twilightoops:

I dunno. That might have been what trixie and twilight needed.

Just let that vein burst. All your worries will be over by then.

I love that every chapter ends with a slammin' one-liner, :rainbowlaugh:

Iron will is married so she's outta luck

Unfortunately, one of those friends happens to be a giant pain in my flank with a penchant for annoying literally everypony he comes into contact with,” she glares off into space, her eyes narrowing in frustration. “But that’s another story.

Awww, now that's a crossover I really want to see! :pinkiehappy:

Wow. That's a twist I didn't see coming.

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