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- An off-hoof comment sends Twilight into a research frenzy that COULD MEAN THE END OF TIME! Or not.Fluxxdog · 2.9k words · 45 0 · 1.1k views
- If you want to celebrate Nightmare Night, there's no better place than Ponyville. At least, no other place now.Fluxxdog · 2.4k words · 250 views
- Diamond Dogs aren't usually "friends" with ponies. But then again, they aren't usually raised by ponies.Fluxxdog · 3.5k words · 19 0 · 666 views
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Two crafty robbers from the big city of Manehatten learn about the "easy pickings" to be had in a sleepy little town called "Ponyville." Fortunately for them, it also has a top-notch hospital...Thank you for the addition to your Library!
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Thanks for adding Cards Against the Princesses to your library!
Thanks for reading Dead Zebra Storage
I like your library setup. Hope you liked not a romantic bone between them