• Member Since 22nd Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 10th, 2024


The worst crime you can commit against another human being is to make them think.


Twice now, she's endangered Ponyville.
Twice now, she's been forgiven and allowed to leave.
This time, Pinkie Pie is not letting her go so easily.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Don't think I've seen a Pinkie/Trixie story before. Looking good so far.

The idea floated across and I got to thinking, "How would the greatest prankster compete against the infamous illusionist?" And I realized, IT WOULD BE FUN :pinkiehappy:
Between us (and anyone who reads this) my favorite part of writing this was the net-and-pit trap.

Hmm, cute. I agree with 4881257, we rarely see much interaction between these two (and when we do, it's usually "Pinkie being annoying, Trixie getting annoyed"). Given that their interests do overlap a fair bit, there's a lot of untapped potential. You'd think that Pinkie would go nuts over having a bonafide stage magician available for parties.

Agreed, the net-and-pit trap was a clever way to exploit the Pinkie sense, since twitchy tail usually means "look up".

Holy crap I don't read a lot of fics but this is good

This is... very nice. :D I wasn't sure where it was going, but I loved where it ended up. :trixieshiftright::pinkiesmile:

Bravo mister, bravo.

Thanks for all the likes and comments. I'm glad people are enjoying it. I just wish I could have gotten this kind of feedback on my other story.

You had somepony manage to defeat Pinkie, and with style as well! Well earned like there.

7554728 Glad you liked it! It's been two years and people are still enjoying it. Makes me think I did something right.

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