Looking over some of her old letters, Princess Twilight thinks of her adventures. One in particular struck her as odd. She ran with a theory and found evidence that implicates what seems like an otherwise innocent day of the week.
The worst crime you can commit against another human being is to make them think.
Looking over some of her old letters, Princess Twilight thinks of her adventures. One in particular struck her as odd. She ran with a theory and found evidence that implicates what seems like an otherwise innocent day of the week.
I loved it, I need to look into what else you've written.
Just fair warning, I'm experimenting still, so take the good with bad. Trixie's Number seems to be the best piece I've done by popular opinion.
I'm glad you liked this one! It's been something that's been in my head for a while.
Hah, I always knew there was something up with tuesdays. Good to finally know why.
I relly enjoyed this Read all those more serious stories I normally co me across.
...I blame any error in my comment on my tablet
Glad you enjoyed it! I went with a serious tone in the first chapter just to build up to the punch line in the second. Hopefully I can get a better feel for my style soon. I'd like to contribute more.
Concept was funny, but the delivery was meh. Decent writing, but I never laughed; I think it was the timing.
Great story! It earned more then a few chuckles from me. I did notice one error however
you're going to want to remove the "me" from that sentence Other than that it was very good, I especially love how well you captured the spirit of the characters. Bravo!
That was actually intentional. Frazzled and what not. It was hard to keep Twilight from going into rambling mode in my writing, but that's what Pinkie is for
Fair enough then . The problem with me is my mother is a teacher so I've picked up her trait of finding faults, unintentional or otherwise, in other's work (even if I can't always find them in my own )
Good point there. There's a video that counts the times the names of the week are mentioned in the show, and Tuesday comes out on top.
Link or GTFO! No, wait, GTFO sounds rude. Sorry. Ummm... Link or No Cupcakes! Wait, that sounds meaner! Just point me in the direction of the link if you please ^^
Odd, I thought everyone knew about it...
Now, just let me find it. It's a bit more difficult to find it than I thought it would be...
Never seen it myself. I've had Irish Pony drinking songs, the princess playing Portal 2, and Rainbow Dash questioning Second Life.
Thanks ^^
Ah, here it is:
The compilation is only of Season 1 and 2, though. We'll have to wait for someone to do all 4, and then 5, seasons. Note that the highest number of Tuesdays are in "It's About Time".
Thank you!
XD I know where this comes from.
I assume that, whatever time zone you were in when this was published, it was a Tuesday?
Good work, agent.
Nope, Wednesday. Had to go for the touch of irony.
And once again, Twilight goes off the deep end! finding problems that wouldn't exist if she was so OCD.
...Celestia's argument has one fatal flaw:
In Three's a Crowd Pinkie Pie reveals she was born on a Tuesday. Also, Discord has tea with Fluttershy on Tuesdays, as he reveals in Make New Friends but Keep Discord.
Clearly, Tuesdays are a day holy to Chaos, and Chaos doesn't care about rules and stops counting wherever it pleases. :)
*gasp* The paranoid, purple pony princess was right!
Of course. I knew the last chapter wrapped up too neatly. Now it all makes nonsense. Well done.