• Member Since 10th May, 2013
  • offline last seen July 8th



Why I post so much · 5:58pm Jan 23rd, 2014

Well, the reason why I post so much is because, when I finish a story ill have something to fall back on. If it gets good reviews i write it down. If it isnt, i dont even let it see the light of day. I know all you bronies and pegasisters out there think im trolling but really, im not. I hate trolls with a passion as much as anyone.

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Comments ( 37 )
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1583720 No problem, I like characters I can relate to.

Thanks for fav on Rise of The Ancient Summoner.

Hey, thanks for adding Five Nights at Pinkie's 2 to your favorites! :twilightsmile: It really means a lot to me.

thanks for faving hopelessly in love havea muffin from me, and a nice day

What can i say, im a fan of this sort of sonario. 1447194

  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37
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