• Member Since 6th Dec, 2013

Blaze the draconic mage

I love reading stories and I am a big fan of anthro & human ones the most.

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After several jumps go wrong, Anon lands himself, er, herself into another land of colorful equines. This time stuck for an entire year before being able to continue on her quest of returning home.

Question remains, will Anon want to?

Proofread and edited by PseudoBob Delightus and Discombobulated Soul

Starts shortly before season one. More character tags will be added as they become relevant.
Includes a grumpy former human.
Dark tag for flashbacks.
Violence tag for flashbacks, mentions of past violence and the second chapter and tenth chapter
Will there be cake?
Maybe includes cake.

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to Still No Signal

To the point: Human in Equestria, Cheerilee decides to make a move on him and it works? Kind of? Something like that.

Anyways, I was writing a story about a blatantly self insert I mean... a human going to Equestria, but thinking about reasonable reactions and interactions ponies and the human would have (You know, the most cliché stuff you could ever imagine, but it was a guilty pleasure to write). So, I was avoiding ANY romance at all, focusing on language and culture learning and adaptation but then, last year Valentine's day came and I decided to throw everything trough the window and write a silly romance one based on it and... well, let's say it's on time this year! Kind of, because is not finished yet, but I suppose I could post it as incomplete and go from there. So, I will publish this cheeky cheesy incomplete story here and see what happens...

It may contain human x pony romance, references, fluff, traces of memes and other allergens, including subtle RGRE moments.

Added 'Narcotics' because there is a description of a hangover, and better be safe than sorry, I guess.

Lazy cover image screencap from derpi

NOTE: The 'prequel' is about the setting for this story, but is not required to read to understand this one. Actually, this one was published BEFORE the 'prequel'.

Chapters (7)

What was going to be a relaxing weekend camping turns into a nightmare as a human gets lost in an unknown forest. Also, his phone decides to stop working for some reason, so he can't use it to orient himself or even for an emergency call. Maybe it's not the phone's fault at all, because you all can imagine where he actually is now.

Will there be adventure? Maybe a little at the beginning, but mostly slice of life afterwards. Sudden unknown OP human abilities because reasons? Well, if you count ear scritches, maybe? Instant romance with all the equestrian heros? Probably not, gee...

Then what's the point!?

... Uh... yep, that's the question, isn't it?

This is my take on a cheeky human in equestria self insert a human in equestria doing all the human in equestria things there are for a human in equestria to do. There is language barrier to spice it up a little bit, so it will focus on cultural differences, how to even communicate with the locals and coping with all the weird things this world can casually throw at a regular, out of the mill, human.

May contain subtle traces and hints of RGRE.

For those who know of Cheery Cheesy Cheeky Romance Hoers Words, this is the original setting and story I had planned but never published.

Chapters (31)

A fortune cookie. A damn fortune cookie is what caused all of this. Caused me to lose my family, friends and everything that I had going for me (which admittedly wasn't all that much but it's the principle dang it!) and sent me to some weird alien world.

How did I end up in this weird forest? Why are there multicolored talking horses in the distance? How did a fortune cookie cause all of this? What the hell is this bug horse creature currently berating me?

I'm never eating Chinese again.

A fairly typical human in Equestria story that I thought I'd attempt. I was going to take a long hiatus from writing but I figured it would give me something to do in my spare time. Let's see where this goes.

Chapters (8)

My home...my everything...was transported to an alien world. I have no idea, but I don't care..actually I do care...I do like it...but...at the same time... I don't care at all.. Does that make sense?

All I am trying to do is find my way back home, if only the princesses of the said land would allow me too.


Chapters (6)

So there I was, minding my own business and helping my buddy out as a beta tester for one of his coding projects, when all of a sudden—


I got turned into the character I'd been making. More importantly, I got teleported to the middle of nowhere. It sucks that I've been placed in this kind of dangerous situation with nothing but the clothes on my back, but at least I have some superpowers to help me survive.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Over There

Swift Wing has moved on from Ponyville, leaving in an attempt to find a reason to exist. He has settled down in the city of Cloudsdale, and now searches for a Cutie Mark, friends, and a place in Equestria.

Cover Art once again created by Nixworld.

First featured 01/25/21

Chapters (18)

Spike, the assistant of Twilight Sparkle, savior of the Crystal Empire, friend of the element bearers. You would think that there is nothing strange about him. How wrong you are. You will learn a disturbing truth, one that will change your beliefs completely.

Chapters (11)

[Hiatus or most Abandoned]

Abandoned history.
-Milestones to achieve by the OC:
//Ability to fully predict Everfree's weather
//Overcome a second sound barrier.
//Affect the weather with only emotions
//Tune with the weather, know if a place needs rain or hot seasons, etc.
//*Optional, Make him an Alicorn with control over the world's weather, dedicate himself to helping the small factions without Pegasus to control the weather, as something cliché I was inclined not to do.
OC too robot, monotonous like almost everything.
Sorry for explaining some things too much, but that's who I am, I enjoy investigating the reasons for things and I tend to explain them... like now.
I had several ideas for this story, but they are all loose ideas with nothing to tie them together so I never focused on any of them or gave them a real or general purpose.
Being your best version, a small wish of mine that I imposed in writing, that's what this story was.
Many ideas come to me over time but I don't put them into action.
So many things I want to do, but without energy and time to do it, that caused the decline of publishing more chapters mainly.

Death from stress during work hours.
Reincarnated as a small cyan pegasus with a mane of two tones of blue, the darkest being the base with a fringe of a much lighter tone, his appearance gave his name.

Storm Flash... a little pegasus from Canterlot.

Now, this is my story of how I became in... I don't know.

Just follow me and see how I try to achieve something great to never again be someone insignificant who was not satisfied with his previous life.

Binnacle - 17 Years since I was here and wrote my thoughts:

I managed to find my goal, it is to be a Pegasus without equal, to be able to alter the weather just with a flap of my wing without being in the sky, to master the art of controlling the clouds or as I like to call it Cloudbender.

I have managed to make a Sonic Boom thanks to all my training... but it was not my final goal not least when it took me 10 years to achieve it when a 8 year old Rainbow Dash achieved it when we were in the Young Aviators school.

But now I am very distracted by the Everfree forest and the challenges it can impose on my path, Everfree will be the forge where I will temper my skills to achieve my dream.

Joining the Wonderbolts... no thanks, I will be recognized for my accomplishments, not for the clothes I wear over my fur!

Some time has passed and now I am the Bearer of a strange magical element that seems to be slowly affecting me ... the good thing is that it is in a positive way.

Also, my training has had its results, now I can clear the sky by just flapping among other things, but the most memorable thing is that I can be the center of climate changes, something that I discovered by accident when consuming a drug, now my attention is focused in replicating those phenomena and then mastering them.

The Everfree is no longer as chaotic or random as I thought at first, it is similar to Earth in a certain way, but only 5% because the rest of the difference is caused by the magical phenomenons that abound in that forest.

Another bit of news is that now I have friends who bring me a smile when I remember them, but I still haven't lost my features as a Deviant, but I'm worried about what Celestia plans for me, now that she knows that I'm not in the army with the others Deviant.

Chapters (20)

Your closest friend, Sunny Starscout, has had a rough week. She seems intent on keeping it that way, but you have a plan. A convoluted plan, perhaps, but a plan nonetheless. It involves smoothies, fireworks, and most importantly, a hug. Your goal?

Her smile and optimism: Restored.

Chapters (1)