• Member Since 15th Aug, 2021
  • offline last seen October 12th

Flash point

Just let me be me... Maybe I am writing something or I just reading a good FF


[Hiatus or most Abandoned]

Abandoned history.
-Milestones to achieve by the OC:
//Ability to fully predict Everfree's weather
//Overcome a second sound barrier.
//Affect the weather with only emotions
//Tune with the weather, know if a place needs rain or hot seasons, etc.
//*Optional, Make him an Alicorn with control over the world's weather, dedicate himself to helping the small factions without Pegasus to control the weather, as something cliché I was inclined not to do.
OC too robot, monotonous like almost everything.
Sorry for explaining some things too much, but that's who I am, I enjoy investigating the reasons for things and I tend to explain them... like now.
I had several ideas for this story, but they are all loose ideas with nothing to tie them together so I never focused on any of them or gave them a real or general purpose.
Being your best version, a small wish of mine that I imposed in writing, that's what this story was.
Many ideas come to me over time but I don't put them into action.
So many things I want to do, but without energy and time to do it, that caused the decline of publishing more chapters mainly.

Death from stress during work hours.
Reincarnated as a small cyan pegasus with a mane of two tones of blue, the darkest being the base with a fringe of a much lighter tone, his appearance gave his name.

Storm Flash... a little pegasus from Canterlot.

Now, this is my story of how I became in... I don't know.

Just follow me and see how I try to achieve something great to never again be someone insignificant who was not satisfied with his previous life.

Binnacle - 17 Years since I was here and wrote my thoughts:

I managed to find my goal, it is to be a Pegasus without equal, to be able to alter the weather just with a flap of my wing without being in the sky, to master the art of controlling the clouds or as I like to call it Cloudbender.

I have managed to make a Sonic Boom thanks to all my training... but it was not my final goal not least when it took me 10 years to achieve it when a 8 year old Rainbow Dash achieved it when we were in the Young Aviators school.

But now I am very distracted by the Everfree forest and the challenges it can impose on my path, Everfree will be the forge where I will temper my skills to achieve my dream.

Joining the Wonderbolts... no thanks, I will be recognized for my accomplishments, not for the clothes I wear over my fur!

Some time has passed and now I am the Bearer of a strange magical element that seems to be slowly affecting me ... the good thing is that it is in a positive way.

Also, my training has had its results, now I can clear the sky by just flapping among other things, but the most memorable thing is that I can be the center of climate changes, something that I discovered by accident when consuming a drug, now my attention is focused in replicating those phenomena and then mastering them.

The Everfree is no longer as chaotic or random as I thought at first, it is similar to Earth in a certain way, but only 5% because the rest of the difference is caused by the magical phenomenons that abound in that forest.

Another bit of news is that now I have friends who bring me a smile when I remember them, but I still haven't lost my features as a Deviant, but I'm worried about what Celestia plans for me, now that she knows that I'm not in the army with the others Deviant.

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 214 )

Same things happened to me before...
Good God I hate when it happens.

nice chapter dude, i hope you continue writing on this story since in my opinion it has a lot of potential so i hope you have a good time in writing!!

nice chapter dude, hope you keep up the good work!!

apart from the (very) few grammar mistakes i saw, the story seems to be promising.
i agree with yonalkaru

(Reads description)
I think that kind of death is called "Karoshi".

Comment posted by Chrome Masquerade deleted Aug 29th, 2021

A human becoming a pony and having adventures?
Count me in.

Comment posted by Flash point deleted Aug 28th, 2021

9+3 = 12
5+3 = 8
12+8 = 20

The judge is bought

I think you mean cloudbender without the L....

in my opinion i like how you did Derpy's character, also i wonder what plans you have for the story, you should take you're time with writing it but nevertheless this is a great chapter!!

It's great to feel the air rubbing against my coat and feathers, but all this excitement was interrupted by the feeling of something missing like I'm missing the last piece of the puzzle, the feeling has only been increasing these days.

To quote DWK on The Fault in our Cutie Marks,

"What makes you say that?"
"I dunno, dude. it's just a kinda vibe I get a xouple times a year; It always happens on a Saturday, oddly enough."

The minutes passed while my mind brainstormed on how to fly faster to eliminate that strange feeling from my mind, I thought about using glasses to avoid the annoyance of the air in my eyes that is always annoying when I reach a certain speed limit, another idea was about how to move my wings to the coordination of my breathing and my heartbeat, which tends to accelerate a lot when I don't follow a rhythm, another more distant thought, is to understand how I can sometimes float without flapping, without drafts, just suspended stasis in the air until I have to flap to keep myself.

I think that's called 'hovering'.

My amazement was unprecedented, I could see Rainbow fly at an amazing speed that I didn't think possible,

Presumably Mach 10 or so. :twistnerd:

I liked everything I heard, there was nothing I hate about Canterlot, the unicorns with buried sticks where Celestia cannot shine with her sun and not to mention the nobles or the scholars who seem to have a hobby for making fun of every living being that surrounds them.

Sure sounds like there's at least one thing.

Interesting story so far, I hope there will be more of a plot involved in the story, keep it up.

now this is getting interesting, i cant wait for this story to continue!!!!!

I like it, continue with your great work in this fic !!!

Besides, I hate having to write with my mouth, fill myself with ink, stain the parchments more than necessary and remember that I can no longer draw, don't make me remember about video games... they are hardly known at the moment and they are not 8 bits yet.

They're still around, though.

Flash succeeded, smashing the sound barrier like lightning when he released all the energy he had accumulated, a blue electric shock wave filling the sky instead of a rainbow as it did years ago.

Wait, does this mean there are two pegasi who can do the rainboom?

Sonic Boom - Yes
Sonic Rainboom - No

The harmony did not help Flash to achieve the Sonic Boom so it is not the same.

Rainbow Dash's first SB is special as it determines the entire timeline, fate makes sure it is, while Flash trained to achieve it.

The Sonic Rainboom belongs to Rainbow Dash, Flash's SB is different from his way.

Flash succeeded, smashing the sound barrier like lightning when he released all the energy he had accumulated, a blue electric shock wave filling the sky instead of a rainbow as it happened years ago..

i love this story allot and cant wait to see where it goes.

"Howdy duddy! Welcome to Ponyville to a great town that is as big as a city like Canterlot but we don't have the gray party poopers because they are boring and they wouldn't let me have parties to my liking, but I would still convince them to be all laughs with my parties together With the Cupcakes that I will prepare, oh they are my favorites, I can eat 24 of them and they would only be an appetizer, I hope you enjoy moving to our wonderful and quiet happy town, you are a Pegasus, that means that you will work in the weather with me friend Rainbow, she is great with all those aerial maneuvers that she does, can you do that too? It's good to finally have you here Storm, I already know your name, I always check the register of people in the Mayor's logbook for So I can make my parties with enough time, although it's not like I can't have a party in one day, that's why I have my Cannon party, well it was a pleasure and now I'm leaving !!!" *Sound of helmets*

For the love of Celestia, mare! Take a breath! :flutterrage:
Pinks, you're waifu for life-u, but seriously!:ajbemused:

"Here Derpy, have a nice day, my wings are itching and I need to surf this sky, see yah later!" Flash smiled in excitement when he took off from the ground leaving only a small stream of air that did not indicate anything of the speed with which he ascended.


"Enough height, time to enter Fase (Phase) 2, elimination of friction, becoming part of the air, the air is no longer a nuisance but a guide and a friend who just wants to have fun, but she doesn't like to be pushed" The feathers before Flash's lines were now a bit more open which allowed him a greater sensation of the air breezes so that he could move next to them and not against them, but he did not limit himself there.

Entering Challenge Phase. Head 'em up; Move 'em out! Power stride; And ready to ride.

Paraphrasing from the Saner Rider and the Star Sheriffs series Ramrod transformation sequence. I... felt that the words fit, dor some reason. :twilightsheepish:

When the time came, Flash gathered air and began to compress it in a very unstable way since it is not something feasible to do to want to replicate the function of a turbine with magic and will, the idea is very abstract and may not be explained, but the The intention is to gather air to use as a thrust force as a second power-up aside from his wings or his leaps.

To quote from The Magical World,

Magic, or at least pegasus magic as far as I could tell, was about intent.

'I intend for you to take it like a cheerleader!' I ordered, and lo, there was rain.

Comment posted by Chrome Masquerade deleted Aug 30th, 2021

Also, if that were effectively a 'rainboom', he'd have been going at about mach 5 already.

Seeing his name I wonder if Flash Sentry might be a sibling, cousin or uncle? Who are is family members?

By they way is he really reincarnated filly/girl and is now a mare/woman? Or did you mean he is a foal/child and that he is a colt/boy and that he is at this point a stallion/male?

from what I can gather about pronouns they are a He/Him in both lives.

He is a stallion

Ten years to achieve the same as a filly ... not enough-

This filly is Rainbow not him.

Maybe I wrote that wrong

Sorry at times it sounded that you confused 'foal' with 'filly' by the way I read it at times

Pretty neat story so far.

" of the nickname given her of [Rainbow Cash] .

pretty sure you meant Rainbow Crash. As far as I know, rainbow isn't that rich.

Not a bad chapter, good content, though it definitely shows that some of it had to be rewritten. I noticed a couple typos/formatting issues.
After the page break where the text got centered, it didn't get realigned to the left.

Well, other news is that my mother decided to take helmets on the matter and decided that she would teach me about being a Weather Pony and other little courses for my future independence.

I've noticed that phrase a couple times, and I've never heard it before. "Take helmets" sounds like something got lost in translation.
Otherwise, the direction this story is headed looks good.

Not bad. The story itself it great, but definitely needs an editor to look over it. I'm looking forward to seeing where you take this, I can definitely tell you've put some thought into how the magic and physics of this work.

Author's Note:
😖 It didn't save what I wrote!!!
More than half of what I wrote was lost... NOO!!
Writing it while I got inspired is not the same as trying to recreate it

I can feel you ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

Now what do we call this? This is not a sonic rainboom

That's just an alternate universe making itself known

“Hi!, my name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, but my friends call me Pinkie Pie, do you like the surprise party? Obviously it is your surprise Welcome-to-Ponyville party that I have organized since the construction of your house was ordered, I prepared the party and invite the whole town, everyone here are my friends and I hope you will too, Derpy says that you are a good Pony something that I already believe when I saw you arrive, you have a nice house made of clouds, I wish Rainbow had one similar to be able to have parties at her house, but her house is made entirely for Pegasos which makes me a bit annoyed-“ The little pink mare did not seem to stop with her speech, something that overwhelmed Flash enough that he was taken by surprise until someone interrupted her.

I said it before, I'll say it again: For the love of Celestia, take a breath!

Make me!:pinkiecrazy:... I always wanted to say that... hey where am I? that's me?!

Was fluttershy not a part of their friend circle when they were smaller? It feels like he meets her for the first time now

Flash was very distracted as a child and if he got to know about Fluttershy, but no more, he just knew that she was the filly that couldn't fly like the others, they weren't friends, just acquaintances.

I like this, very fun to read.

Wanna bet that filly is scootaloo?

Wait a minute... how come Cloud hasn't met Dash yet? I mean they monitored the weather of the same town, right? Despite different area, but Ponyville should not be so big that they haven't interacted with each other at all.


how come Cloud hasn't met Dash yet?

Cloud Kicker
Cloud chaser

Which one?

Flash is patrolling southeast Ponyville while Dash is west near Sweet Apple Acres, the other half of PonyVille.

Nothing better than being suspended more than 100 meters above the ground at breakneck speed as you follow the frenzied currents of air and plow through the vast sea called the sky.

Unless you meant to say that he was being supported from above, as in he washanging from a wire or something, and being moved around at great speed by something else, you need to change verbs here. "Suspend" has some specific meanings, and "to fly" isn't one of them.

Thanks, sometimes I forget that English is very specific.

Nothing better than being flying at more than 100 meters above the ground

"Yes, it's a good idea, it would be like my saddlebags and it is not so strange that a pegasus has its own personal cloud, only in Canterlot it is not because of the jealous snobs or because somepony may try to rob you, but here... in a place full of honest people who sleep without locking their doors, I do not think it is an inconvenience... I need a pennant to tell the other Pegasi that it is my cloud, although they can detect it with the smell... it would be annoying to find somepony on my cloud "I appreciated the idea as I slowly pushed my will onto the cloud to prevent it from being swept away by air currents so easily.

That said, hit it!:yay:

"Calm down my little pony, the ugly monsters won't do anything to you, just close your eyes and count to 30 slowly."

"It's good to see that she's laughing now, as for the Timberwolves, they have been returned to the forest as a sample of what happens when those beasts dare to leave the forest" Flash greeted Applejack and let out a bit of animosity, but held back so as not to affect the environment.

They'll just have to wait for Zap Apple season instead.

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