• Member Since 17th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Dragon Shimmer

Just someone who really like dragons. Especially mage dragons and rare dragons.

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Blog Posts

  • 79 weeks
    Should I write a crossover with Yugioh.

    Honestly, I have some idea about this series but... I am not sure, because I am not the one who follows the series. Plus, Yugioh is too fast for now so I'm not sure how to write, about Duel Link or Normal Duel? I am so stressful about this.

    1 comments · 198 views
  • 81 weeks
    Happy new years everyone.

    Wow, It's a long time since the last blog. Anyway, I wish you all and your family to have a good year in 2023.

    0 comments · 81 views
  • 93 weeks
    The sequel

    I will write another sequel of my series. We will have a good time when a human is travelling around Equus.

    0 comments · 149 views
  • 94 weeks
    Canceling my "tomatoes basket"

    The fic named " Rebellion of Caribou Kingdom" will be cancelled because not many people enjoy the fic. Sorry for disturbing all of you.


    2 comments · 131 views
  • 116 weeks
    Chapter 9 is edited

    The editing for "The adventure continues" is reached to chapter 9. If you have free time, you can check it out

    1 comments · 142 views

Should I write a crossover with Yugioh. · 8:09am Jan 18th, 2023

Honestly, I have some idea about this series but... I am not sure, because I am not the one who follows the series. Plus, Yugioh is too fast for now so I'm not sure how to write, about Duel Link or Normal Duel? I am so stressful about this.

Report Dragon Shimmer · 198 views ·
Comments ( 72 )
  • Viewing 68 - 72 of 72
Comment posted by The HopesnDreamsVerse deleted Jun 10th, 2023

How can you sure that your story is underrated? I found a lot of problems inside your story, and that everyone's problem. If you want to know, I can point it out.

Nah, my stories' only underrated af

Okay then. Hope you can fix your story. It has a lot of problems inside (if you can realize it) :moustache:

P/S: dislike my stories doesn't help you better.

Ofcourse returned here cuz I am doing 2 things here; Working on my story and most importantly, read stories I enjoy the most.:rainbowdetermined2:

  • Viewing 68 - 72 of 72
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