• Member Since 6th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Sunday

Draconis Bliss

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Comments ( 28 )
  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28

Hi, Bliss ^3^ Thanks for the watch, Msg me on discord if you want a sneak peek at what's to come if you're interested

Thank you for the watch!

hOi! Thank you so much for adding Under A Luminous Sky to your favorites list. That was quite literally the first piece of fiction I ever wrote, so knowing that people are still digging it almost ten dayum years later really tingles the old dingle, ya know? I hope I can continue to earn your follow, as well.

Here, have an awesome!

Thanks for favoriting Spike's Turnabout. I would recommend reading Spike the Fairy if you enjoy reading a story all about Spike and his adventures.

  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
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