• Member Since 11th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 2nd, 2020


Huge fan of historical fiction novels and real history.

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  • TCausation
    They say, to leave your past behind is to leave everything behind. But deciding to leave is much easier than knowing where to go. One pony is willing to leave her past behind, but she is not alone. The journey up north presents a time for reflection.
    Lyraah · 7k words  ·  15  1 · 596 views
  • EWar In The Dark
    A rare blue diamond, a lost artifact dating centuries had found its way onto the hooves of a mafia boss. One pony will do anything to 'retrieve' the gem, all that she could, however illicit the means may be. But, there are two sides to this
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  • EMy Forgotten Empire
    A forgotten kingdom in the mountains, shrouded by the mists and a dark past behind it all. For four years, the ruined empire lay hidden in the mountains. But one pony is finally coming home; to her fallen kingdom, to the place filled with regret...
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  • TOutLive
    When Experiment 71 leaked into Equestrian grounds. Many were killed and civilization was scattered. One particular survivor was determined to uncover the truth as of how it really happened. She discovers a shocking twist... and must make a choice...
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Comments ( 5 )
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Thanks for adding Mares und Panzer to your favorites! Hope you enjoy! :heart:

Go Ponyville! Panzer vor! :yay:

Hi, thanks for the fave on Equestrian Horizon!

Thanks for the watch :twilightsmile:

I'm glad you enjoyed my story My Little Investigations: The Gemstone Godfather. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav'! :heart:

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