• Member Since 5th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )


Princess Flurry's dates are not up to Imperial standards.

With thanks to various Discords for brainstorming and Samey90 and RDT for pre-reading.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 74 )

Oh. Oh! Ooooooh... :twilightoops::trollestia::rainbowlaugh:

Good show sir, you made air flow at a faster than normal rate out of my nostrils.

Oh dear.
And well done.

Dan #4 · Aug 22nd, 2023 · · ·

A male calico? Very lucky!

He's definitely a keeper. Elope! Now!

But then... If Shining and Candance knew much about cats, that might have clued them in that something wasn't on the up and up.

Gosh damn it to heck. Well played. :rainbowlaugh:

Non stop giggling the whole time.
oh flurry you silly filly

He turned into a statue of Cosy Glow? That's dedication.

Speaking of petrification, how did Dolph escape it after assaulting the person of the prince consort?

When Shining tapped out, Dolph let him go. Cadance recognized good sportsmanship.

11673647 . . . and got his number.

In first draft, Cadance got the zebra's number, but I liked the final version better.

I see Flurry is already practicing for when she becomes the empress. May god have mercy on crystal ponies.

Not gonna lie, one of the best endings I've seen in a while. Especially for a short one shot. Takes maybe a little too long to get there (you can probably do with a few less dates, like 2-3, because it drags on a bit right now), but boy, is the payoff worth it. Please tell me it was Tergums plan.

:rainbowlaugh: oh wow, that ending line was perfect.

Loved it, though I've managed to predict the reveal :twilightsmile:
Caught some vibes of sketch comedy show there, like 'Monkey Dust', where main character conjures something implausible. Reads like a short series of vignettes, too


Also, "short series of vignettes" is one of my specialties. I love writing that format.


Oho, clever girl!

they have a private dungeon. Also, they have a place to put prisoners.


Well played. :rainbowlaugh:

Though... just imagine if Cadance and Shining had been Pharynx and Thorax meeting all her other bad dates because Cadance and Shining didn't have the heart to make Flurry give up on another date after they'd first heard of Tergum.

That ending :rainbowlaugh: i kinda knew it was coming but it's still sooo hilarious!

Dang it, I missed that XD

Thorax the Polite and his Reign of Niceness

I wish that if G5 ever reintroduces the changelings, that Thorax is remembered something like this. It just fits.

my parents are the Emperor and Empress and their word is literally law and they have a private dungeon. Also, they have a place to put prisoners.

I guess also calling the latter the dungeon would be confusing and might send the wrong impression.

the never-before-heard 'Somehow-Sombra-Has-Returned' alarm.

Still, the fact that they have one is some nice forward thinking.

"Hi, Mom and Dad," Flurry said the next Friday, levitating in the small stone statue into the family quarters. "This is Cozy Glow. I'm taking her on a date tonight."

She's either getting desperate or they need to check those three to make sure they aren't communicating telepathically. Or both.

"Hi, Mom and Dad," Flurry said the next Friday, leading the small teenage changeling into the family quarters. "This is Tergum, my classmate. He's taking me on a date tonight."

Clever girl...

"What about the bribery laws?"

Tilapia's a keeper, I don't care what Shining and Cadence have to say about it.

they had us in the first half not gonna lie

That ending... I feel like I should have saw that coming, but didn't but still annoyed I didn't.
Sigh, take my like, fav and my comment and go on.:ajbemused:

Hahahahahaha, flawless. I especially liked Swiper. n_n

"It was before Thorax the Polite and his Reign of Niceness!"

That would be how Thorax is remembered among the 'lings. :rainbowlaugh:

"Can we interest you two in an investment opportunity?" Grifter said.

Okay, Grifter at least had it coming.

Shining Armor, still in a cast and a sling, looked at him from his wheelchair.

No one said you had to accept Dolph's offer to "go," Shining. That one's on you still. :trixieshiftright:

"Tell me, you two are heads of government. How are the Empire's environmental protection laws and labor laws?"

Yeah, okay, Tilapia had it coming too.

"This is Cozy Glow. I'm taking her on a date tonight."

And here I was about to comment that Flurry didn't seem to be into ponies. :rainbowlaugh:

You know, I think she might be trying to make a point to you two, Cadance and Shining. :trixieshiftleft:

"My fifth cousin, the late Prince Untombe of Neighgeria, passed away and left his massive fortune in a Crystal Empire bank! Now, I just need some trusting good-hearted ponies kindly to help me move his money. I need only a small seed investment of a few hundred thousand bits—"

Oh yeah, she's definitely making a point here. No way Flurry's bagging all of these bad dates on accident at this point.

Heck, I'm half-expecting all of them to be in on it too.

After changing into Cadance, Tergum said, "Do you think your parents will figure out I was also all your bad boyfriends?"

Oh, that's even better! Well-played, you two, well-played. :ajsmug:

I love the ending! And the middle, or middles. The very beginning is quite serviceable too, but not as good imho as the rest of it.

I could say "Recommended! 👍" but I think most people will already know it's very good. :twilightsmile:

The question is, was he the Cozy Glow statue too, or did they steal it for a prank? (it was probably found after the concert, wearing a funny hat and a pair of sunglasses).

:facehoof: Take your Twilight damned upvote and fav.

Haha that was really fun!

Perfect ending line!

After changing into Cadance, Tergum said, "Do you think your parents will figure out I was also all your bad boyfriends?"


"Rock concert."

Okay i think that gets her approval!

"A buzzy light fixture. Last night, I circled it for hours."

gets em every time

Epic bait and switch scheme from Flurry :)

Well, you can't argue with results, I suppose....

"A buzzy light fixture. Last night, I circled it for hours ."

Perfect, no notes.

I saw the twist coming as soon as Flurry brought her first date home, but I'm not mad about it. 😂

"A buzzy light fixture. Last night, I circled it for hours ."

I like bugs 🐞

With thanks to various Discords for brainstorming…

Nice to see something Chaos approved!

I had a feeling that was gonna be it after what originally happened.

After changing into Cadance, Tergum said, "Do you think your parents will figure out I was also all your bad boyfriends?"

Even the Cozy Glow statue?

Excellent. Perfect ending as well.

Spoiler this please

I knew it! Still hilarious. The story's structure is very much like an old timey joke, and a well put together one at that. The inertia keeps the pacing going strong and helps with every oncoming joke. There are no duds either, so the comedy holds up pretty well. Good job!

Oh, that was a devious plot on Flurry's end. But hey, it worked! And it got a few chuckles out of me. Very good story!

Game that system Flurry!

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