• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 45 minutes ago


A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)


Cadance wonders what Flurry Heart is the alicorn princess OF.

Twilight Sparkle turns perfectionist (Ha! I'll bet you never saw THAT one coming!) and tries to figure out who's more inadequate, Flurry Heart or her mother?

This is what happens when you leave your "Cadance Is a Terrible Mom" competition folder (EDIT: link to main contest page) open the night after the deadline. People show up and TRY TO PUT THINGS in it.

(Story image: I cropped an MLP show screencap.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

And this is why theory needs to be tempered with some level of grounding in reality. otherwise you get purple perfectionists going around trying to fix everything when they don't even know how it's supposed to work.

Really, I don't know what Cadance expected.

At least there really is one thing Cadance did that Twilight didn't: she landed a husband! Too bad she didn't think to counter with that:rainbowlaugh:

Good story. I think we've all had our doubts about Cadence at one point or another. My favorite part was when Twilight was lamenting rescuing Cadence, and not letting her become the Queen of the Changelings. You did write "Chrysalis looked alarmed" instead of Cadence at one point. It was quite confusing, but obviously just a simple mistake, the likes of which we all make.


You did write "Chrysalis looked alarmed" instead of Cadence at one point. It was quite confusing, but obviously just a simple mistake, the likes of which we all make.

HA HAHAHAHAHA! That might be the world's best purely accidental typo. :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for catching it. Now I've fixed it.

:rainbowlaugh: this was pretty random but really funny! Ngl Twi reminded me of Sheldon for a bit

Cadance, make Twilight the princess of getting her face smacked!

...now I almost want to do a crackfic featuring that Princess.

I remember you. Great story by the way!:twilightsmile:

I do not remember posting this at all. :twilightoops:

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