• Published 12th Oct 2021
  • 3,544 Views, 57 Comments

Ghost - Ninjadeadbeard

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Comments ( 57 )

Goddamn this was funny 😆😆😆

See, now I want the continuing adventures of Rarity and Discord in Hell.

This was great, by the way.

“What the… oh. Right,” Rarity growled and bit her lip. “The murders...”

Haha oh man that's great.

Damn, this was good!


Twi: Rarity? Did you just call me a fucking princess? :fluttercry:

Lol…this line is gold!

Hold on, I'm confused. Rarity gets damned to Hell, in large part due to her role in the fire, but Spike — who started the fire in the first place and was at the very least complacent in the cover-up — doesn't?

”For sure, Rares!” she said in a nearly-perfect Pinkie Pie pitch. “I bet you’ll be a googly ghostie for like, a week tops! Then you’ll get to follow us all to Elysium and hang out with Spike, and the kids, and your friends, and all the other ponies from before this happened!”

The only other explanation is that Spike actually did go to Hell and Pinkie lied to Rarity's face, a notion I'd find uncharacteristically abhorrent of her. (Granted, the rest of Rarity's friends promised her she'd get into Heaven, so I suppose they're all callous liars no matter what.)

Don't get me wrong, this was a funny story, but I just can't get over my few hang-ups with the narrative — especially given its bleakly cynical nature.

Geez, three millennia in a pseudo-purgatory, and she still goes to Tartarus? That's harsh.

“On the plus side, I have it on very good authority that it’s really not the heat but the humidity that gets to you…”

That's very true.

Or there were other murders that we didn't know about.

Well, at least you won't be bored with Discord as company, eh Rares?

Then (as 11011715 Wydril suggested) why bother putting her (and Discord) through three millennia of purgatory if they were apparently going to Hell/Tartarus no matter what? Why would her friends lie to her face and give her false hope?

For that matter, if we’re assuming the purgatory was for the fire and not "the murders", how come Spike apparently didn't get a purgatory too?

It said she covered up a fire for Spike and only mentioned Suri dying in it. But, at the end, she did say Murders, plural. So maybe there was something else that got her in trouble.

Because it's funny.

Technically she did move on, even if it was to hell, so Discord is free to go wherever he pleases.

Nice one. Good twist at the end :rainbowlaugh:

I'm sure if she racked up enough bodies she'll get to become a demoness, though her fashion designs will ha e to shift towards BDSM gear and lots of spikes.

Or... the friend are merely guessing? What Applejack said is that staying there is going to be good with the Upstairs... and she is wrong...

Don't worry, Rarity, this just pre-processing. Fill out a few forms, get a few things stamped, oversee the renaissance of equine society, and you'll be with the others in no time.

Oh this Rarity. Always putting the Harm in Harmony.

This was fun

Fortunately, she's got an in with management because it turns out Discord actually runs the place.

Hee hee get punked fashion horse


And for those in the know, this is what Rarity’s VA sounds like without copious amounts of editing…


It’s about intent.

Spike might have been accidentally involved or used as a patsy, but Rares knew what she was doing.


Oh, darlings…
It’s showtiiiime!

:moustache: After me she's used to the heat....
:flutterrage: Discord get your ass up here!
:facehoof: She's so peeved right now
:raritystarry: I'm soooooo . . .
:trollestia: And I still did nothing
:twilightangry2: You lost Equestrias magic on a bingo game

She'll be out in a week...

Honestly...would YOU want that mono-maniacal fashionista down there...???

Four days, tops, and she'll be running the place...

"Red, AGAIN!? Darling...too much monochrome is exceedingly boring, as well as unfashionable! Add a little tangerine in there, or that eggnog yellow Shimmer went to after she reformed and got rid of the canary she held onto for far too long, if you would ask me... this temperature is simply not going to work! Occasionally, certainly; but everypony here is far too dedicated to spinning the thermostat to the right and simply jamming it there. One gets used to such extremes, despite not having a decent glass of iced tea on occasion to break the monotony, and by the way, cold and fresh water would be most appreciated at the moment at least. The diamond dogs were better hosts, actually. This lighting is TERRIBLE! You would think you could manage a budget better than a Manehattan brothel...and when do you expect the maid? This icky, sulfurous dust gets EVERYWHERE, I simply would like to have my quarters swept out AT LEAST occasionally; cinder and ash black is just ruining my coat..."

"Whining? I am complaining..."


Tell ya...four days...and out of there in a week, after she begins all her 'improvements'...

I was doing this and in the second rarijuice I hear a whining and I stop. Was sacred :duck:

gosh, it's hard to be a ghost, don't you think? :raritycry:

I'm not sure about Spike not being there with her, but it is possible her friends didn't know about the murders.

Comment posted by BIbeast deleted Oct 13th, 2021

Just whine like you never have before Rarity, and you'll be kicked out of hell in a few hours, tops.

Jokes aside, that last twist at the end really gave me a belly laugh! Nice touch!

“What the… oh. Right,” Rarity growled and bit her lip. “The murders...”

What about this murders?

Such as

“And it’s not like anypony liked Suri,” she added with a disdainful sniff. “Or missed her. Or missed the missing cement. But still, this is just unfair!”

The implication being that Rarity drowned Suri with cement shoes, mob-style.

Part 2 hanging out in hell. Or story from friends pov

Okay, the profanity in this fic was very strong indeed.
That being said this was still funny as hell.

A tad too reliant on abrahamic "afterlife" "beliefs" mingled with the Grecian afterlife there at the end and the use of human curses threw it off a tad.
Otherwise, it was a cute read. :raritywink:

My god this is heavenly! Err, the story is! As for Rarity, well we know how that's going for her x3 Regardless, this was abundantly hilarious and unforgettable! Awesome stuff! Hope ya didn't mind, but I couldn't resist making a reading of this fic of yours!

Audio Linkyloo!: https://youtu.be/BzLTHjnIFys

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way!)

I don't think they lied, they just haven't been aware of the murders she comitted

Glad you could join us Rares. We have a boiling p- I mean spa all reserved for you.

So....Rarity the Serial Killer?

Well, considering what I've heard about MY family; I should have a lake front condo reserved for me just because of family ties

lmao, that was terrible :rainbowlaugh:

It's like over 56% of the world population follows at least one form of a Abrahamic Faith

Would've been nice if she haunted Sprout instead.

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