• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


there is none that is needed

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This story is a sequel to Keeping It Simple

Octavia has fought hard in her life for three things: her art, her career, and her new boyfriend. She never learned to stop fighting.

It's a mistake that might cost her two out of three of the things she's fought tooth and tail for. She's still figuring out which two.

Chapters (4)

While on a work trip to help family in Appleloosa, Big Macintosh strikes up some correspondences with friends back home. These are the letters that crossed Twilight Sparkle's desk.

Sometimes words don't mean what they say.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Reading by Scribbler!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle may be the smartest pony in all of Ponyville. She may be able to understand non-linear magical field gains but love eludes her. Can reason and the scientific method shed some light on this mysterious magic? Twilight is determined to try. Surely it is only a matter of applying a proper rigorous series of tests and analyzing the results. It couldn't be any simpler.

Image by lovetomorrowlove

Chapters (6)

Pirates, adventure, and romance.
Rainbow Dash may have just gotten ahold of the greatest piece of useless blackmail material ever.

Chapters (22)

While out hiking in the mountains near Ponyville, Big Mac discovers a mysterious staff which grants him the power of the ancient god Thor. Old myths awaken, new legends are born, and one simple farm pony is thrust in the middle - as the leader of Celestia's newest crime-fighting force, The Avengers! A fusion fic with Marvel Universe, mostly Avengers.

Chapters (18)

Long ago, Celestia sealed her sister into the moon. Her subjects, however, began to fear her and the elements she wielded, seeing they could be used on anypony. Heart broken, she fled her kingdom, leaving it to the ponies who inhabited it.

A thousand years later, Equestria is predominantly under the control of Earth Ponies. Industry thrives and magic is considered a thing of fantasy; Big Macintosh always thought this himself. However, his life is soon to turn around, and he will find himself on an adventure like no other.

(The main picture might be subject to change; just trying to paint a portrait of what kind of era the ponies are in in this alternate world)

(Proof-read by Sage-Wolf)

(Made the feature box. Awww riiight!)
(Well that was certainly short lived!)

Chapters (21)

When Dash discovers her feelings for Big Mac, she realizes that no pony knows why he is so quiet. She sets out to learn where he is from and why he doesn't talk. Will the answers give her the courage to ask him out to Hearts and Hooves day?

Proofread by: Gage of Grandiloquence, Midnight Spark
Rated teen for suggestive themes.
Inspired by The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo

Unbiased Reviews:
TheWaffler: I wasn't expecting Final Destination, Of Mice and Men, CSI Miami and Superman all in one chapter.
Loeden: Oh man, dat RP scene.. I couldn't breathe, from laughing so much.
TheWaffler: Twilight takes the phrase "knowledge is power" to whole new level.
kingtiger666: SONIC RAINGASM!

Chapters (14)

It's April Foal's Day and Applejack is, as usual, the recipient of many pranks, much to the amusement of her brother. When she enlists Twilight Sparkle to help with her revenge things get a little out of hoof.

Chapters (6)

Applejack's pie delivery route took her through the Flame Geyser Swamp and led to a faceoff against a chimera, but Big Mac's route to a mountain unicorn village might be worse.

Created for the Equestria Daily Writer's Training Grounds #011: "Somepony to Watch Over Me"

This story happens simultaneously with the episode Somepony to Watch Over Me

Feel free to point any flaws; it's why I'm taking part in the Writer's Training Grounds, after all.

Chapters (3)

The Apple family farm is in trouble. It was once underwater, but Discord fixed that. Now it’s underwater with a horrible, evil, greedy creature: a bank. Big Mac has only one day to get the bits together. After overhearing the flower mares talk about him, he gets an idea. It’s the oldest profession in the world, so how hard could it be?

All he has to do is keep quiet while he conducts business. So long as the customers are happy, and the bits are flowing, it’s all worth it. It’s just his reputation, self-esteem, health, and dignity on the line. It’s just a roll in the hay— it doesn’t mean anything…


Featured on EQD! (7/16/14)

Edited by: Level Dasher
Cover Art by: Anonymoose

Chapters (10)