• Member Since 29th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen January 22nd

Ivory Piano


This story is a sequel to Keeping It Simple

Octavia has fought hard in her life for three things: her art, her career, and her new boyfriend. She never learned to stop fighting.

It's a mistake that might cost her two out of three of the things she's fought tooth and tail for. She's still figuring out which two.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 82 )

Slightly sad that this story appears to have a lack of Pinkie Pie (which you do so well especially with Mac) but I liked the previous story so much I will keep track of this one.

Ooh. A direct sequel! That was quick and unexpected. I'm looking forward to reading this!

What a wonderful start to this sequel.

Octavia's personality backfired at her. In the most spectacular matter. Indeed, you can be a perfect machine... but you can't breathe life into what you do if it's not your passion.
Octavia has been doing it quite wrong all this time - just mechanical practice, perfection, but not true enjoyment.

An eye opener was necessary. This was a pretty harsh one... but karma is a fickle thing.
Octavia tends to do things she thinks she wants to do, not what she really wants to do.
She just has to find her passion.
And Mac will definitely help her. Well, she did find at least one kind of passion. One that leaves her wobbly, so she can't complain :rainbowlaugh:

Also, I didn't really see anything that warrants the comedy tag here - honest mistake, or preparation for what is to come?

Before you held my interest...
Now you have my attention. :eeyup:

Great start! I think I'm going to love this story! :eeyup:

Can't wait for the weekend to dive into this good and proper!


MY BODY WAS NOT READY FOR THIS. Curious, got any sort of guestimate at how many chapters, or generally how long, this one's gonna be? Similar to Keeping it Simple?

I both can't wait for, and dread, starting this story. I figured the pessimistic outlook for the relationships longterm viability worked perfectly for headcanon endings. "Well, they are both just trying it out. When it flops in a year or two, that will be enough time for Dash to get settled into Wonderboltness and sweep back in to claim her prize after an amicable breakup."

Anyone else afraid their headcanon epilogues are doomed?


If someone had asked me that about KiS when I posted the first chapter, I would have said 10 chapters. And we all know how that turned out.

That said, I don't expect this story to come close to that many words, nor to take as many years to complete.

So it seems Octavia has...got a feeling so complicated.

Bruh, I think I just creamed my pants in excitement. I loved Keeping It Simple and I hate romance. There's something about the way you craft your characters and their interactions with one another. Eager and ready to read, am I.


Spotted a couple of errors:

Besides, did you ever really enjoy playing the cell?


Octavia sucked in hlips.

her lips

Would you still play even if it couldn't give you a comfortable living.

Question mark at the end.

Nice to see there's a sequel. Now Octavia has to go through her journey like Big Mac did his. Curious to see how she grows.

Why is Luna so mad at Big Mac?

It's bricks were white and speckled

The resplendent grandeur of the lobby—it's crystal chandeliers, it's gushing fountains, it's luscious plants

It's is the contraction of "it is."
Its is the possessive pronoun. Possessive pronouns (his, hers, theirs, yours, its) never get apostrophes before the S.

You keep the money we have payed you

"paid", not "payed"

“Well? What’s wrong with all of you?” She yelled.

You've got a few mis-capitalized dialogue attributions here and there.

Dammit. I needed to not know about this for the first year or so. That way I could wander on in with several chapters waiting to be read.

I spotted a few errors as well. I hope you don't mind if I point them out.

She opened the with a glare

'them', perhaps?

She was back in hotel room in Manehattan.

I feel like this sentence lack a word.

Macintosh wrapped Octavia in a a hug
making the the building look like a skull with missing teeth.

And then these ones have an extra word.

He smiled and brought her nose to touch hers.
He rubbed her nose against hers and gave her a soft kiss.

I believe one of the [her] should be a [his].

She looked at him, at those big green eyes and gazed at her with such soft affection.

I feel like this [and] is a little out of place in this sentence.

the worst of it had already faded way.

Methinks this should have been 'away.'

Besides, did you ever really enjoy playing the cell?


and I didn't know what I would no next to support myself...and you.

I didn't understand this sentence...

Anyway, it's nice to see a sequel to KiS. Looking forward to the next chapters of this sequel. :pinkiesmile:

It's nice to see a tsundere personality actually backfire. It lends authenticity to the great scenes of the last fic, proving that it wasn't just bickering. That it was done after the happy ending only makes it sweeter.

7328552 But then Dash murders Big Mac in her sleep because of all the drugs she did during the War... :rainbowhuh:

Keep it up Mac. Luna's going to dislike you more than Octavia at this rate. :rainbowlaugh:

Okay, yeah, that's impossible...

Oh gods, the sequel is here!

I'm not sure I'll be able to survive another amazing trip like KiS, but what a way to go...


I wouldn't believe Dulcet Tone's opinion for one second. She's got a huge chip on her shoulder. Filly Faddle might have lots of natural talent but Dulcet's judgement of Octavia is heavily influenced by her bitterness over her earlier years.

Besides, if you can play a piece of music perfectly for two and a half hours that doesn't make you a machine. It's a work of passion to play music well at all, and you don't need to inject your own personality all the time to make powerful music.

7331667 But as was described here, and from the way it's written, I got the same feeling, Octavia doesn't really enjoy it. She just does it because she knows she's good at it.

I'm not afraid to go back to prison.

Well that's an interesting bit of backstory.

And then Octavia's ready to murder the Princess of the Night to protect Big Mac's honour, you know in that fight I think I'd bet on Octy.


This should be "oughta"

Octavia sucked in hlips

"her lips"

I haven't caught much else, but I'll comb through some more in the future. Great chapter!

7328076 It's the subtle, dry, witty humor that is the hallmark of KiS. A step away from goofy and a bit more refined than situational comedy, though the part with Dulcet informing Octavia of her career change could count as situational humor.

I get a sense of irony here: Octi needs the sort of artistic, caring soul that BM has, and I get the impression that the only way he's going to make the land is the sort of relentless practice/drive that Octi has.

Now I'm just a statue in the garden where your evil flowers grow.

Crazy-chick sex is the best, but madness is contagious: mind you don't catch something, Mac.

This was excellent! One precise push has set her world in pieces. Everything she cannot deserve or dominate does not belong in her world to her, and she tears her own life apart willingly. Will she drop the high life for awhile to make ends meet? Mac seems to not have had any problem with it since she outed him for a week. Will she live it rough with him for awhile, thinking it's what she deserves, or maybe she will try to aim big again right off the bat? We really don't have any indication of where things will go for either of them from here. It could go anywhere. You've once again torn down everything that we were all settled down with about these characters and broke them out into new ground so very smoothly. I like this.

Yay! A follow up story! :pinkiehappy:

Applejack VS Octavia!!!

Octavia's biting whit was a fantastic way to wake up this morning. Though times seem tough now, I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes! It has me wrapped up worse than Keeping It Simple did!

Octavia keeps behaving like a selfish jerk. Has not learned her lesson yet?


It's a symptom of deeper problems. She cares about those she's being a jerk to, but she's not being very good at acting or expressing that presently. This is a character-driven story; if you're going to judge the protagonist's actions you should also try to understand them.

She's going to get fat before she gets nice.

Octavia needs to find somebody to talk to outside of Mac just to give her an outlet. She is already friendly with Pinkie so I hope she goes there. Pinkie and Mac already have had some good conversations in the last story so I really hope with adding Octavia we can get some more with them all. Remember Pinkie is the one who introduced Octavia to Mac.

Does anybody else think it odd that Octavia seems to mention trying to get some of Mac's friends involved in their relationship several times. Most of the time it is that Mac is not allowed to stray unless she is involved with it too but that is still odd. I wonder if that is some sort of foreshadowing? If it is who would be first? We know that Dash and Rarity are very interested but those are the ones that Octavia would be most uncomfortable with I would imagine. Pinkie would probably be easier for her but just because I think Pinkie would be interested in Mac does not mean she would feel comfortable with that, though she could be of course (this is also true for all the other characters as well). It could be just a joke as well.

Comment posted by Pyro The Reader deleted Aug 7th, 2016

She won.

Why does this simply fill me with dread?

I feel for Octavia honestly, just a bit, I know what it's like when you care about someone and you think you know better but they just can't understand you. And it's gosh darn infuriating.

Have I posted this already? Oh well. Bears repeating--especially since it gets more and more apposite with each chapter:

That primp-up petty floozy!!!

Interesting. The last story was spent watching Big Mac lose absolutely everything. Now Octavia gets the same.

Well, the stage is set. Also, AJ and Octavia probably haven't heard of something called compromise. There's probably a better way to revise the contract after generations, yet also still on pretty friendly terms.
Oh well, let's see how this progresses with time.
Those two definitely have a good start /sarcasm. In a way though, it will be good for the both of them. AJ will learn that in business, being friendly is not 100% of what is needed. Octavia will learn that ruthlessness is not always needed either. And become more tempered, hell, maybe even happy with time.

But as always, another chapter, another amazing time well spent reading it :twilightsmile:

After reading the previous story I could not imagine that Octavia can be so horrible (and money-hungry). She acted almost like a real asshole. She really must have some serious issues in her past to be so bad at socializing with and trusting anypony.

Octavia shrugged. “What is there to explain? Just a matter of rubbing sensitive bits with other sensitive bits until you don’t want to anymore. Simple.”

This is priceless, so true, short and eloquent.:rainbowlaugh: Maybe I consider using this line on my future children.:pinkiehappy:

I may get some hate for this but... I'm siding with Octavia. Tradition is the death of business. I also have a burning hatred for Applejack. I mean... a Vesuvius-level white-hot hatred for Applejack. I don't like her much.

7457643 This. People and by extension characters think on different terms from each other. Applejack sees the traditions that she ties her own and her family's identity to, while Octavia sees the dispassionate reality of a business. Neither of them really seem to want to compromise yet, but Octavia comes out of it looking worse because she doesn't have the benefit of appealing to emotion the way Applejack's traditions and unwillingness to change her ways do. To Octavia, it's a math equation: X change + Y asset= z growth, z growth=safety and stability. To AJ, changing the way she lives risks not only the traits she assigns herself as part of her identity, but a business relationship that is as much a friendship as it is a contract, and as such AJ sees attempts to change this dynamic as a personal insult to her values, while Octavia sees a character who cares more about tradition than the well-being of her own family in the future. Neither are really strictly 'right' or 'wrong' about it, but Octavia's lack of tact and dispassionate stance makes her seem the villain.

Grandpappy when Is their going to be more story? Well you see young one, sometime in the future when the great gods have forgiven....oh dear lords grand son, I just can't stay strong "sob" why has he abandoned us!

After reading the previous story and this one over the past couple days. I'm now a might bit invested. It's been a good read over all.

I don't understand how Octavia could think that would work.

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