• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 9th, 2023

Isaac The Red


Genericon! And Lost jobs. · 9:36am Feb 13th, 2014

OK so Genericon was moved back, and lucky for me too, because I would'a missed it otherwise. Now to see if i can finagle a ride with a friend up to RPI and whatnot, or figure out if there is a buss that goes there from where I am. Whatever works best. I per-registered so yay for me and yay for my meager wallet.

Unfortunately this good news is attached to the bad news of me losing my crappy job. Ohh well. On to greener pastures.

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Comments ( 10 )
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Thanks for the duo faves:pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the follow :twilightsmile:

I've read it through, and aside from I think one or maybe two missing quotation marks.... I wouldn't honestly, change anything, it's been such a good read, and has been food for my macxluna shipping. :3 And I think it has been the spark I needed to get back into reading possibly. :eeyup:

Thanks for favoring my story. Is there anything you can see about it that would be an improvement?:coolphoto:

My thanks for the fave at my little stab at shipping. :twilightblush:

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