• Member Since 19th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 5th, 2013



Next Story Concept Underway · 4:09am Jul 1st, 2013

So how do you guys all feel about a Fluttershy story in this series?

I have been working on "An Unlikely Duet" but its a difficult one to write. I have alot of on the fly research I am doing and its structure is a far cry from what I'm used to writing. So as I lumber along with that story I have been working out how to add more of the main six into the story series. Well after much thought I have finally found a good unique way to add Fluttershy into this series.

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No, my primary area of expertise is late 19th century through mid 20th century American and western European military, political and social history,

542138 ah. By any chance do you research the trials of Salem back in the 1600's?


Well that is me in the photos, but alas I have never had the privilege of serving in any branch of the US armed forces.

I am an an avid military historian (my college major is History) and have been studying/ portraying the Marine Corps for the past ten years. I am a co founder of a historical education organization that does school presentations, records and catalogs veterans stories and in general educates the public about not only the History of the Marine Corps in the 20th century but american military history in general.

On a side note, welcome fellow army brony :) (Unless that's not you in your DP). Where are you at?

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