• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen May 14th, 2017



BOIIIIIIIIIII · 4:13am May 11th, 2017

I'm back after not doing anything for 2 whole freaking years. Maybe now since I'm graduating High School I'll have a chance to really buckle down and do some stories. Yeeaahhhh!!!!

Report TangoForce141 · 175 views ·
Comments ( 13 )
  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13

I loved your story; it was a very fun read! You've earned yourself a follow! :rainbowkiss::heart: [chat with my sometime? ;) ]

852085 Yeah I thank you for that they are also my favorite band, and the album is also my favorite (tied with the wall)

I love your avatar man, Pink Floyd, dark side of the moon! [best vinyl]

Thanks for the Fave on "Voyager comes to Equestria".:moustache:

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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