What Hath Joined TogetherSequel to "The Order". Despite receiving a harsh reprimand from Captain Ironhoof, Flash Sentry still struggles with his feelings for Twilight. When he is assigned to escort her to the Crystal Empire, tensions on all sides escalate.by Bad_Seed_72
168,925 words
· 891 · 99
Balance: A Dislestia TaleHey there. Name's Discord, spirit of chaos, god of disharmony, and generally all-around awesome guy, way too awesome to fall for a prissy little pony princess. SO WHY THE HAY DID I!?by kildeez
8,939 words
· 99 · 15
Small but good stuff
MY HEART IS YOUR THRONEDiscord is a fish out of water. He loves Fluttershy and he just wants to fit in with other ponies. Fluttershy loves Discord as well but her friends won't understand her feelings. If that wasn't enough, a meddling Queen craves to devour theiby mariahmaru
11,894 words
· 76 · 4
The Wonderful Life of Berry PunchSome ponies have epic adventures across distant lands. Berry Punch, on the other hoof, has errands to run in preparation for Nightmare Night. Let's see how this turns out.by Dusk-Spark
19,254 words
· 46 · 0
It wasn't small! Definitely at least average!
-Tender Taps
Ok, but maybe later, when I'll have some free time.
Well, feel free to ask me anything, or just chat.
Yeah, a little bit. Not much folks here are interested in that sort of activities.