• Member Since 14th Jan, 2013


'Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else's dreams?'

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Argyle Starshine has died.

When he reaches the gate of the beyond, he finds he is not alone.

Written for A Thousand Words III, in the Drama category.

Featured 6/11/2024 to 6/13/2024!

Chapters (1)

Mayor Mare has been living in Ponyville for quite some time. Not as long as she'd have you believe, mind you, but a long time all the same. During this period, she had dreams and aspirations, and as far as she's concerned, she accomplished each and every one. But what do you do when you've already achieved all of your goals?

Well, she was pretty lonely. And although she obtained the exact career path she wanted for many moons, she had much less luck with the stallions in her life.

She never would have imagined that the solution would come in the form of a human, or what that solution would eventually lead to. The result is quite unorthodox.

Chapters (1)

You wake up in a land where magic is real and sapient ponies have built a civilisation. Being from a different universe, you have no understanding of their language or laws, but you're happy to have found yourself in the friendliest town there is. Good luck building a new life as their favourite... monkey thing.

Chapters (56)

Now alone in the makeshift bunker that's kept her safe for years, Nightmare Moon opens the door and remembers her failures.

Chapters (1)

Anon and Luna find themselves engaged after a night of drinking. Neither are too happy about the situation.

Cover art by NixWorld.

Chapters (9)

Much like the Sun's passage overhead, ages come and go. The land of Equestria is going through a change, much like it has countless times throughout the aeons, yet it is bitter sweet. For one ancient ruler, almost older than time itself, the dusk quickly approaches...

Artwork by CBTwilight

Author's Note
This is my personal sendoff to G4. I honestly can't say if G5 will live up to its predecessor, but I felt like trying to bridge the gap between what we know and what is soon to be...

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

Chapters (1)

In the twilight hours of the siege of Berlin, humanity makes a last stand by not bearing arms, but bearing instruments.

Chapters (1)

Two and a half years ago, I left my home, family, and friends behind to fight for humanity to save them from Princess Celestia's madness. Despite the hardship, suffering, and loss I have never once waved in my conviction in doing the right thing to prevent the genocide of an entire race. However, I have been captured. Instead of killing me, they kept me prisoner because they need me to use my Element one last time in their hopes of saving Equestria from Humanity's upcoming invasion.

Too bad I have no plans to do that.

This is a NegotationsVerse AU that ask the question of what would happen if Fluttershy got captured by Equestria so they can use her Element as a means to save themselves from humanity?

To see the original canon series, click here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/301668/negotiations

Please help out at the TV Tropes Page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheNegotiationsVerse

Chapters (16)

Twilight learns what comes after life ends.

Winner of the Happy Stories Speedwriting Contest, written in 60 minutes.

Do you want to learn to sharpen your skills as a writer? Then join the speedwriting Discord channel!

Chapters (1)

Odd Wonder is a young stallion with an interest in things most ponies would find weird or would avoid.

One of his interests leads him to visit the Changeling Hive to seek an audience with King Thorax. Upon hearing what Odd wants, Thorax directs him to Pharynx for assistance. Only problem is Pharynx doesn't like entertaining guests.

Chapters (1)