Vinyl Scratch is best pony. Luna is Best Princess. I do other things, but not really.
"Tim, you're just so nice nobody could hate you. We all are secretly in love with you." ~bats
A Pole by birth, a Lawgiver by trade and a Trickster by choice. Altogether a most friendly, sociopathic madman. At your service...
Your primary provenance of padded ponies pummeling petrifying plagues. Also, narwhals.
Avatar was a work in progress... then I never completed it. So I guess it's completed?
I came here to eat breadcrumbs and indiscriminately shit on cars. And I'm all out of breadcrumbs...
Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna dance |
Hiya! I'm Jade, from 'Stralya!!! Woo, 'Stralya!!! Avi was done by the Awesome Painted Wave, give her some love <3
I write pony words that people seem to like. I also review fics and draw purty pictures, apperently. I'm an older fan of MLP, so expect a lot of 80's references.
"There’s a thin line between being a hero and being a memory." - Optimus Prime
Navypony is a submariner in the US Navy, but he earns his name for his understanding and love of ships and shipping. Yes, that's shipping ponies.
~"If you want it to make sense, YOU say it."~
Every time you read one of my stories, an orphan is allowed to be happy. Do it for the orphans.
Totally not the secret alt of another account meant just to post clopfics on.
Regrettably, Last Minute does still seem to be Best Minute
As a writer you ask yourself to dream while you're awake. As an editor you ask yourself how to change a story while leaving it the same.
Drawing equines. Check out my art on my Twitter account
Just a dude. Writes horsewords... with varying regularity.
Author & Editor; Chief Apprentice in Loyal's House of Fanfic; Lt. in the Army of Biscuit; Does Bad Things for Bad Horse; Runs a Nightclub on Holodeck 2.
Writing by candle light to bring you the best stories I can.
IF you are feeling like nothing is worth the pain of living, sit down. We'll have a chat
My friends call me Spectra! Everyone else says "Ah, how did this horse get in here!?"
Author of the Commander Hurricane series (A Song of Storms), co-founder of the Price of Loyalty universe, and overall world building fanatic. Join my discord!
TD writes and reviews pony fanfiction, and has a serious RariJack addiction. Send help and/or ponies.
Love has no desire but to fulfill itself. To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving
I am an editor. I've also tried writing, though I lack experience with writing stories.