• Member Since 28th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


As a writer you ask yourself to dream while you're awake. As an editor you ask yourself how to change a story while leaving it the same.


10 Years, 400 Followers, And More · 7:51am May 28th

First of all, thank you everyone for everything over the years. I’m always humbled by the statistics of everything on this account and now having been around for quite literally a decade, I would say 400 followers (especially after how little I've posted over the last several years) is a new height of humbling. After some rambling I would like to cover some things about my plans that, let’s be honest, will likely not happen. But, in case they do, you can at least know what has been on my mind.

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Report ShadowblazeCR · 45 views ·

New Story Over On Fanfiction/A03 · 8:31pm Jun 18th, 2022

Hey y'all, I'm still here to post stories and update them. But I wanted to keep my mind fresh and work around writer's block in a different way. So, I just posted a new story for RWBY over on Fanfiction along with it posted on Archive of Our Own if you would like to check it out. The summary is listed below:

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Report ShadowblazeCR · 129 views ·

Deadly Love Will Update At Approximately 1300-1400 EST 6/1/22 · 5:05pm May 30th, 2022

So far so good with updates, next one is good to go for the beginning of the month. And the next one will hopefully be coming out the following month. Probably will be only doing updates for this story currently, as I’m trying to see if I can branch out for once and write a RWBY centered story over on fanfiction/AO3. Anyways, keep a lookout for them, I think writing is finally coming somewhat naturally.


Deadly Love Will Update 5/1/22 Approx. 1200 EST · 8:53pm Apr 29th, 2022

Like it says in the title, after another long as heck hiatus of school and such I've got another chapter for everyone. Finally getting into the real plot and an actual Mafia arc after all these years. Next chapter is already in the works and about 1/5 of the way done. Stick around if you can, I didn't start this story without plans to slowly make it one of the longest OctaScratch stories around. Thanks to everyone that's been reading, and will be reading.


New Deadly Love Chapter · 3:50pm Oct 1st, 2021

New chapter is out and ready for your enjoyment. Apologies for the extra month wait, I’ve been busy with college and army stuff. Hopefully looking to be back on track and we’re now finally into the MIA arc of this story. So stay tuned.

Report ShadowblazeCR · 159 views · #Deadlyverse

New One Shot Coming Out 8/7/21 1300-1400 EST · 5:58am Aug 7th, 2021

Have a one-shot I cooked up ready for y'all. I plan to have it out at the titled time. Nothing fancy, just a little something I put together after I found its cover image. I'm already on the next chapter of Deadly Love and if I begin to log some of it I'll be posting more chapters sooner than a month. There's plenty more one-shots coming, chapters for Deadly Love and Hearing is Believing, and more coming so stick around. Thanks to everyone. Hope you enjoy.

Report ShadowblazeCR · 166 views · #one-shot

New Chapter Each Month As Promised · 11:14pm Aug 1st, 2021

A new chapter of Deadly Love will be released at around 1300-1400 EST August 2nd. I hope having two chapters out within less than a year of each other will show that I do plan on having a good update schedule. I hope you all will enjoy and look forward to the next chapters. Any comments and suggestions for the story are welcome.


Air Assault · 12:24am Jul 27th, 2021

Thought I would share some pictures of my experience at Air Assault. Just graduated today, and it was a blast. Even got to write some pony words in my off time.

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Report ShadowblazeCR · 151 views ·

New Chapters On The Way · 9:13pm Jul 25th, 2021

It has been awhile since I’ve really touched this story, and looking at the update schedule I have to apologize how I haven’t been to kind to the readers in keeping it updated. I plan to do my best to always update at some point, but I do think a more frequent update schedule should be put out.

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New Chapter, Thanks · 3:28pm Jul 10th, 2021

Before I get started on what’s happening with Hearing is Believing, I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone that Handle with Care was featured today. As a celebration, I plan to put out a chapter of Hearing is Believing. As I write more, and more chapters become backlogged, I’ll post some more. I currently have three chapters done, with more on the way so stay tuned with this story.

Thanks again.