
Viewing 1 - 20 of 189 results

Wednesday Report · 10:31pm Oct 17th, 2018


Midterms sure are a-kicking, but I managed to pull off As for them so far. Hopefully, I can keep this up! Also, I got an interesting idea for the next chapter of Dr. Fairy Twinkle, so I may write it over the weekend if my research team finishes on time. The one-shot I thought of is coming along nicely in the outline, but now it is time to plan the text and mood. Expect that particular piece next week or the week after!

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Hey Guys. · 5:02am Jan 30th, 2016

Just giving you all a heads up for a One-Shot I wrote, called Change Happens.

It is a Spike x Scootaloo fic, for those of you who are wondering.

So just to keep you all ahead of the curve on this one. 8k words, which is exactly where I wanted the story to end. You can ask Inferno Demon Dash, those were the limits I set to this fic.

Report Nasha Rei Kun · 301 views · #One-Shot.

All in all it’s just another brick in the… · 12:54am July 15th

I’ve participated in another contest, this time Bicyclete’s “A Thousand Words III” contest. This time it’s a slice of life and had to fit in that “1000 words and not one more and not one less” requirement. If you haven’t read it yet I hope you do and if you enjoy the story or have some constructive advice please leave a comment.

EThe Wall
Sometimes even inanimate objects have enormous impacts on lives and souls.
    Dafaddah · 1000 words  ·  10  0 · 107 views


    Report Dafaddah · 23 views · #One shot

    New One Shot Coming Out 8/7/21 1300-1400 EST · 5:58am Aug 7th, 2021

    Have a one-shot I cooked up ready for y'all. I plan to have it out at the titled time. Nothing fancy, just a little something I put together after I found its cover image. I'm already on the next chapter of Deadly Love and if I begin to log some of it I'll be posting more chapters sooner than a month. There's plenty more one-shots coming, chapters for Deadly Love and Hearing is Believing, and more coming so stick around. Thanks to everyone. Hope you enjoy.

    Report ShadowblazeCR · 166 views · #one-shot

    Cadance Shining Armor One shot. · 11:25pm Apr 21st, 2017

    It won't be super long but it is done. Going up hopefully Monday!

    Report Foals Errand · 449 views · #one shot

    Story Links: Twilight and Cadence Do the Sisterhooves Social-One Shot · 4:27pm Aug 7th, 2017

    Twilight does the Sisterhooves Social with Cadence. Enjoy!

    Report Creativa-Artly01 · 273 views · #One Shot

    Some thoughts about my one shots · 9:44am Mar 7th, 2016

    So yeah, I've done three so far, and I really like how they turned out. They're pretty well-received and are fairly liked. I do plan to make more Equestria Girls one shots, and I think I already have one in my head to put out.

    "So Aria, How Are You Paying Our Bills?"

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    One-Shot Tomorrow! · 12:49pm Dec 11th, 2017

    For those who care, I have a Christmas-themed story coming tomorrow, its short, and is not special since I did it in my spare time when I was bored, so don't expect much, but I still think its good. It will be centered around two characters from an original story Ive been writing, so no copyright for this entity!

    So if you feel like reading something around this time of year, keep and eye out for. All Years Spent Together.

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    Report Slendy · 266 views · #Christmas #one shot #slendy

    What's the Next One-Shot? · 6:53pm Jul 21st, 2016

    Hi again!

    I've decided to write a Holiday themed one-shot. I already have Christmas/Hearts Warming shipping but I was thinking of doing a New Years one-shot. What ships do you guys want to see? I've decided to challenge myself, so you cannot pick AppleDash! Even though I love the ship, I just want to try out another ship!

    Comment down below and I'll tally them all up by September...around. I'm excited to see what you guys wanna read! That's all, thanks!

    ~ Sara


    Pushing new one-shot back a week. · 2:12am Sep 23rd, 2018

    Please refer to this blog for context.

    So, I've spoken to my initial artist, Shelbythehdgehog, and I've decided to give her one more week to finish the artwork. Instead of tomorrow, Closer Than the Rest will be released on Monday the following week.


    One Shot-Tober · 4:52am Nov 1st, 2022

    Today was the last day of One Shot-tober. It was a hell of a ride and so very much worth it. I may end up doing it again next year. 31 stories published, a few were older ones that got refurbished or polished up, but most of them were new.

    I hope you enjoyed some of them, and that you'll stick around for next year's wild ride.


    New Fic: The Canterlot Cookie Caper! · 4:33pm Nov 14th, 2022

    HI HELLO, it's me! Back again writing horse words!

    I've just released a new one-shot fic featuring our favorite filly princess duo! Check out this fun, light-hearted mystery story as I warm up to resume work on Into the Light!

    EThe Canterlot Cookie Caper
    Little Celestia's peaceful day is interrupted by her younger sister's scream! What could it be? An injury? A monster?? No, worse... the cookies are gone!
    Marcato · 4.6k words  ·  64  0 · 750 views

    Where have I been?

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    Sequel... · 7:24am Jan 8th, 2016 the works.


    One-shot Story · 4:50pm Oct 16th, 2016

    Should I write a One-shot story before Course of Action comes out?

    And if so, any ideas?


    Two one-shots! :D · 7:47am Jul 13th, 2016

    This is about exactly what the title says, I have two one-shots all finished and ready to be posted, I just have to fix them up a little bit and they should be up later on today (or tomorrow maybe), they are both quite short, but I believe that they are both good, and I loved writing them (and I should be back to writing more chapters for 'Among The Pegasi' by early next month). :twilightsmile:

    And just so you know they are both sad ones. :twilightsheepish:

    Report KillerChainsaw · 335 views · #one-shots #sad

    Update 10: Slow and Steady · 11:09am Mar 28th, 2016

    Hey, people of Fimfic, reading is magic here. I know I haven't really posted anything since the Twilight story, so let me give you guys something to put you up to speed.

    Firstly, the Renegades have two chapters done, and I plan to release chapters when I at least finish a third or maybe a fourth one. I just wanted to do updates on a weekly basis by compiling the chapters. I think I've said that before... Oh well. Next!

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    New one shot has been submitted, new H & F to follow soon · 1:22am May 29th, 2016

    Just an update for any interested :twilightsmile:


    One Shot Commissions Are Open (Future Stories Sadly Are Delayed) · 2:48pm May 24th, 2021

    Hey guys, well summer is here and this is always the worst time of the year for me financially. As such, due to certain things going on, I am forced to take commissions again, but I am only taking One Shot Commissions, not multi-chapter ones.

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    NEW STORY · 1:20am Feb 25th, 2019


    Look, I know you're mad.


    I understand that you're upset.


    But I regret nothi-



    Happy Valentines Day - Making it a Follower Appreciation Day · 5:50pm Feb 14th, 2020

    Been doing my best to keep on steady with my writing this year, and it's been going well. As part of that plan, I decided I wanted to do little events like this throughout the year.

    So, I'm doing something of a Request Lottery (don't know what else to call it.) The rules are as follow:

    - In a comment on this blog post, provide the following information
    --- 1 to 2 characters you'd want to see a story about
    --- A small bit of context. (No more than 1 to 2 sentences)

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    Viewing 1 - 20 of 189 results