I think we need some cute. Here is some cute. · 4:54am Feb 8th, 2018
You know what, I think we all need some cute. So have a red panda.
Now have a badger flying on a magic carpet
Now have a happy pupper
That is all.
Get off my cloud, you rapscallions! D:<
You know what, I think we all need some cute. So have a red panda.
Now have a badger flying on a magic carpet
Now have a happy pupper
That is all.
A certain chitin-faced slime-drooler refuses to post a certain story that's filled with magic and wonder and light unless all of your glorious and lovely peeps retweet a certain Twittery tweet 124 times.
So what will it be, people? Will we let such an inconsiderate tyrant of a bug dictate what he will or will not post?
(Hint: NO WE WON'T!)
Complaining feels awesome. Airing regrets, getting righteously angry about them and just having an all-around tantrum is amazing. Plus, it's good to get it out and not bottle it up. This is still true when you're feeling in a slump with your art (be it wordcrafting or artworking or other-ing).
So yes. Let it out periodically so it doesn't taint your body, your mind, your soul, or your craft.
Well. I've done it. I've done pony art of my own volition. How do I pony leg???1??11
Crystal Wishes, I blame you. This is all your fault. All. Your. Fault.
Also. I hope you like it.