
Viewing 1 - 20 of 162 results

And Why Not · 8:03am Jun 19th, 2015

1) Name: Travis Conrad (Conrad is my middle name, last name is kept locked and safe)
2) Birthday: June 12th, 2001
3) Nickname: Nope.
4) Eye Colour: Brown
5) Hair Colour: Black
6) Zodiac Sign: Gemini
7) Your fear: Spiders, Bees, Needles, Death, you know, being a coward is my thing...
8) Your perfect pizza: Cheese.
9) Goal you’d like to achieve: Get a girlfriend and live happy.
10) Your best physical feature: Honestly, my arms.
11) Pepsi or Coke: Too hard to choose. I love both.

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Birthday in two days · 9:40pm Jan 7th, 2022

Parents: "So we decided that it's fine this year if you don't want presents on your birthday, we can always postpone that for six months and do it this summer."

Me: (planning on having a busy summer and hoping to do a traditional birthday this year, but realizing that the fact they're even proposing it means they don't have any presents:)

"Uh...Sure, okay, sounds great."

Parents: "But we still should do something nice, so let's go out to eat. Our treat."

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Report Petrichord · 229 views · #Whatever

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYPONY!!!!! · 5:27pm Nov 26th, 2015

Starlight Sorrow is coming to its end, and... I want you to expect what I expect for it: To have it completed before Christmas. That's probably a longshot, but... I'm not to scared to try! The day after New Year's Day (Jan 2nd, 2016, since NYD is the 1st of January.) is when (if all goes as planned) I'll start writing the prologue for its sequel, Starlight Solace. A fortnight (an actual one, which, by definition, is two weeks)

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Report Sky Blue CMC · 224 views · #whatever

Useful or Useless? · 5:41pm Apr 5th, 2016

So this blog space is a thing I can't ignore, try as I might, and it drives me up the wall that I can't seem to find a good way to make use of it. That's why your poor feeds get a weird mix of crude/absurdist gag posts, attention-seeking art shares, lazy gif posts, life/whiney posts, and dry news updates about my writing progress. I had some ideas of doing actual constructive stuff on here. I wrote a short writing advice piece about research methods for story planning derived from my old

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Report Nines · 274 views · #life #whatever

This is how I survive my family · 10:41pm May 8th, 2016


And the MLP collectible card game.

But we seriously need to get some boosters. This gets repetitive, fast.

Also, to hell with the Discord starter deck. Stupid wannabe aggro. Give me a Trixie deck any day.

Report Nines · 337 views · #life #whatever

Uhh... So, you know that inexplicable thing that happens when... · 6:05pm Jan 9th, 2016

you feel like everything you create is shit, even if it's not? I've been kinda wallowing in that space for a couple days. I think the northeastern winter's starting to get to me. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm still writing and stuff, but I'm none too happy with it.

Point of all this: Mmmmaybe no new chapters (or anythings) this weekend. Idunno yet.

*stares listlessly at ceiling*

Report Theigi · 365 views · #idunno #whatever

Rain Rain · 5:44pm Jun 8th, 2016

Come and stay
Boom and roar
And cleanse the day

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Report Nines · 283 views · #life #whatever

Full tank · 4:06am Apr 30th, 2016

Noooope. One drink. One was enough. Glad I waited before I poured another glass. My body is tingling. Feel spacey. That's my body saying, "DING. You're toasted."

I shall sleep like the dead tonight. Hopefully.

Report Nines · 217 views · #life #whatever

Love Letter · 5:04pm Apr 4th, 2016

Some day I'll write a love letter to the MLP:FiM showrunners about how their show inspired me, and brought my family together, and got me through hard times, and blah, blah, blah...

For now I'm content to just write fan content. :trollestia:

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Report Nines · 290 views · #life #whatever

aimless · 12:42am May 28th, 2016

okay. apologetic announcement post is done. now for some sleepy rambling. bad grammar and weird tense usage below. too sick to care to correct. this is the writing of the sick.

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Report Nines · 309 views · #life #whatever

I am a responsible adult, I am a responsible adult... · 2:44pm May 9th, 2016

... Is what I chant to myself whenever I need to do something important, like take my son to his toddler class, or keep his medical appointments, or make sure he gets his daily dose of sunlight when all I want to do is curl up in bed.


Report Nines · 285 views · #life #whatever

Headspace · 5:11pm May 12th, 2016

I have med head, so my ass isn't going to Bernie Sanders Land. :pinkiesick:

Also, the first Matrix is the best of the trilogy.

That is all.

Report Nines · 220 views · #life #whatever

ketchup · 5:24am May 24th, 2016

it's 10pm

hubby just got home and is demanding his waifu time.

thoughts for the past few days (non-illness related) in shorthand:

loved, loved, loved the new MLP episode (sweep, sweep, sweep!)

I don't care what anyone says, Slice of Life is a great episode.

I will never, EVER feel like watching Dragonshy. Like, ever-the-fuck-again. I can quote it without aid now. IT'S JUST A HOP, SKIP, AND A JUMP. :pinkiecrazy: (dinged at 43 fucking replays now)

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Report Nines · 244 views · #life #whatever

Happy birthday to me · 6:44pm February 22nd

Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday dear Brady
Happy birthday to me

23 and counting

Report BradyBunch · 274 views · #birthday #whatever

dragonshaddup already · 11:12pm May 21st, 2016


SmallCaliber has, for reasons unknown to me, become obsessed with the Season 1 episode, Dragonshy. I think this is the tenth time we've played it. I'm not exaggerating.

plz send halp

Report Nines · 352 views · #life #whatever

You are my sunshine · 10:49am May 23rd, 2016

my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away.

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Report Nines · 359 views · #life #whatever

slacker · 7:34pm Jun 3rd, 2016

My, my! I seem to be slacking off in the blogging department. I went from a blog or two a day to actually maintaining silence for more than 24 hours. I mean, I've been sick... But still.

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Report Nines · 235 views · #life #whatever

Mmm Mmm (tw... Just tw) · 3:39am Apr 30th, 2016

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Report Nines · 342 views · #life #whatever

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT · 4:41am May 15th, 2016

Tiring day, but it went well. Had lunch with husbando. Went to a gathering of family friends for a few hours. Son went to sleep after some struggle. Worked on my clopfic for a while. I started to feel in the mood for a video game, but I'm too exhausted to actually play anything... So I'm watching someone ELSE play instead. Currently viewing slowbeef's let's play of Alien Isolation. Glad I didn't buy this game. It looks good, but this sort of gameplay is too intense for me.

Report Nines · 244 views · #life #whatever

Playing Catch Up (Kinda) · 1:43am Apr 27th, 2016

So it's finally kinda sorta dying down from the madness of the weekend. Big Bro (aka Baloo) did his first spurt of shopping with me and Mama Badger in tow. I finally feel like I've physically recovered from the marathon that was the MLP convention. Now? Now I try to play catch up on social stuff, writing stuff, and art stuff...

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Report Nines · 252 views · #life #whatever
Viewing 1 - 20 of 162 results