• Member Since 14th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 1st, 2020


I read. Occasionally, I write. That's pretty much everything.

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And Now There's A Prequel... · 3:27am Nov 9th, 2016

I hit a bit of a wall with Chapter 5, so I decided to write an optional prequel to Child of The Moon. You can read it here. It's going to be much darker and much shorter (I'm currently planning two chapters and an epilogue) than the main story. It's not required reading, and eventually a condensed version will appear as a flashback in C.o.T.M. The prequel should close a few of the largest plot holes, most notably how a

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Report _Moonbeam · 573 views · Story: Child of the Moon ·
Comments ( 7 )
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RIP dear author

For your unknown, is pain upon the knowledge of us never knowing the end of your story...

hello moonbeam

you got a cover pic for the story!!! its very nice!! yay!

Thanks for the follow, how did I earn it?

HMMMMM!!!!! This specimen requires much studying.

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