• Member Since 7th Oct, 2014
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Found out too late. · 12:10am Sep 6th, 2015

Yesterday I found out that fighting is magic had been canceled.

It put me in a really sad mood because that was probably the game I was most hyped for. Since they're producing a new game I hope we can add ponies into it.

(I'm such a noob for not realising this sooner.)

Honestly whenever I hear the Twilight Sparkle stage theme I almost feel like crying (sorry but this game was seriously my fantasy.) or whenever I hear a stage theme.

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hey appl3dashie!

just another quick update: i (you?) graduated, with an atar of 91.80. congratu-fucking-lations, me/you! (our top scoring subject was english, kind of apt lol)

alright, have a good one, see you when i revisit this little corner of the internet,

Hello, Appl3dashie or my eleven-year-old self,

When I was fifteen, my teacher made the class put together a time capsule. I filled mine with letters from friends (some old, most new that my little introvert self wouldn't have ever thought of meeting), books that I loved at the time (I put the first book in the Haikyuu series in there... strange times) and most importantly, a USB containing the first draft for My Little Musketeer!

Rereading it compelled me to come back here, to this place I would've called a second home, seven years later (and just for the record, my writing has improved from writing about Breezies (??) being blended by half-human-half-siren girls to now writing stupidly-indulgent fluff fics featuring whatever character I'm fixated on at the moment)

I want to say a big thank you to everyone, for everything. To the MLP community for introducing me to fandom culture, to FIM Fiction for giving me a platform to share my writing with others, to the friends I made on here (To LunarLove, I can't believe you rose from the dead in 2019 just to make one final clapback on that one fic, you mad lad. You're at the heart of a lot of my MLP-related memories, or memories of my younger years in general, and I wish I could've better expressed how deeply I appreciated your friendship. Thank you.), and even to all the comments I received, both encouraging and... well, controversial (ngl, having a line-by-line dissection of your fic is very character-building to someone who hadn't even reached high school, thank you whoever did that, it was fun to reread now that I am actually more literate)

Appl3dashie, I've graduated now and I've had so many more interesting experiences beyond the realm of a few online comments. I know what you went through, a cacophony of temperamental circumstances beyond your control.

But now I look back at you from the other side, the side where the grass truly is greener. You'll be okay, even if sometimes it doesn't feel like it. Don't let anger or regret guide your hand, you're only tightening knots that just want to be untangled.

When I was rereading Starswirl's Stars, there was a particular comment that held some very valid criticisms of the story but the last point, in particular, stuck with me:

Keep writing.

Appl3dashie, the present me, the future me, hold this advice close to your heart. There is no one but you to archive your story, so don't stop writing, not for anyone.

But if I'm being honest, I'm relieved to move on to a new chapter of my life. Maybe I'll finally put out some multi-chapter fics instead of spontaneous one-shots that are hastily written and edited in the ungodly hours of the morning. Yes, I'm still writing all these years later on other websites. You'll know what and where.

I want to say goodbye to you, Appl3dashie, but I know that you've never really left me. Somewhere within the recesses of my mind, maybe interlaced in the words of this comment, you're still here. So instead, maybe I'll say I'll see you around? Keep in touch? Am I going clinically insane because I'm talking to my online persona like a totally different person when I'm still just...myself? Whateverrr, therapy will fix that when I finally get around to doing it (lie).

As a final touch, let me just add a quote that I wouldn't have understood as an eleven-year-old but now try to embody in my writing, my life,

"You don't have to understand it," she said. "It's mine."

- Miranda, Station Eleven



1934834 needs more shrek

1934006 Because of your seriously funny groups. (I joined some too.)

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A place where I can dump lots of (epic.) stories.


Found out too late. · 12:10am Sep 6th, 2015

Yesterday I found out that fighting is magic had been canceled.

It put me in a really sad mood because that was probably the game I was most hyped for. Since they're producing a new game I hope we can add ponies into it.

(I'm such a noob for not realising this sooner.)

Honestly whenever I hear the Twilight Sparkle stage theme I almost feel like crying (sorry but this game was seriously my fantasy.) or whenever I hear a stage theme.

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