Three of the biggest things about me: High anxiety, too much free time, too many interests. - Dr Cat Fiesh is my other alias.
Aspiring author with an over active imagination. I'm ether very lucky or very cursed with the combination.
I do be writing. You do be reading. Read fics/updates early and vote on what I write here:
People call me The Drink | A beverage of sorts | Ko-fi:
To all who come to this user page, welcome. I am TheIdiot; Head Author of the Alt-TCB Story SPECTRUM (and the occasional stuff on the side). Feel free to follow me if you so wish.
Hi there. So, I'm a writer & proof reader! Do you need one? DM me and maybe I can help! Maybe support me and buy me a Ko-Fi if you wanna?
I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)
They were all in love with 'Shy and they were drinkin' from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche comin' down the mountain.
Half the time I don't even know how I do what I seem to do so well. I try not to think too hard on it, for fear of breaking myself in the process.
That Minnesotan guy who has quickly gone from being a common brony to being an avid reader and editor, primarily for CommissarAJ and the amazing Price of Loyalty writers.
Just a fic writer, looking at things from a bit of a different perspective sometimes .
Selling out has never felt so dirty.
Tallest of all the bronies! Maybe. Socal resident that likes ponies, war related things, and the use of the word saucy. Feel free to drop a line or whatever. I love to talk with people. Brony on!
Don't waste time on reading this, you got stories to explore.
Im a friendly guy i only can but take my cookie ill bite your handoff :3
I'm done. I just don't have fun writing stuff anymore. You're free to take any of this material as your own. Have fun!
I write the countless and troublesome story worlds that I see in my mind for you're enjoyment, mostly to just make them stop! GTFO out if my brain and onto the site! *SMACK*
My obsession with a flying rainbow pony made me do this.
Fanfiction writer with a speciality in anything and everything to do with Pegasi, the military, and epic adventures. And SoarinFire.
Suggest who you want to see next in the Heartwarming moment series in my Blog.
Mares are cute. They are also fluffy. I want to pet the pretty mares and give them snuggles.
Author & Editor; Chief Apprentice in Loyal's House of Fanfic; Lt. in the Army of Biscuit; Does Bad Things for Bad Horse; Runs a Nightclub on Holodeck 2.
Every time you read one of my stories, an orphan is allowed to be happy. Do it for the orphans.
With a force of a thousand Derpys we shall conqueror the world. Nothing can stop us from our dreams of free muffins for the world. (Twilestia is Bestia)
IT-Student from Germany who writes stories about talking ponies. Crazy, ain't it?
Fimfic's own Twitch Whore. Catch me on stream!