• Member Since 12th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen April 4th

Damien Darkside

Fimfic's own Twitch Whore. Catch me on stream!

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Found 2 stories in 14ms

Total Words: 7,061
Estimated Reading: 28 minutes


Going back to Earth.

It is something that you have thought of often. It seems like just an easy thing to think of right? After one year of staying in Equestria you discuss with Luna the complications of returning back home.

Then again there would be complications right?

A simple little story about the conversation that nobody ever really brings up in their fics. Of course I am writing it so it is rated Teen for a bit more adult themes. No clop.

Of course, edited by Zephyr

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Chapters (1)

Being the Royal Advisor for Celestia and Luna, you've come up with solutions for many of the nation's problems.

Unfortunately you said a naughty word in front of a guard. Seeing as how these ponies are extremely sensitive, you lie your way out of it.

The events that follow could only be described as "completely stupid".

Rated Teen for naughty words being said.

Thanks to Zephyr for editing.

Featured within 1 hour and 30 minutes on Aug 12, 2015. Thank you guys so much!

Good thing I was reading this on the toilet, because this story made me lose my shit. -LeoneHaxor

Chapters (1)