• Member Since 8th Feb, 2012
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PseudoBob Delightus

How hard can writing novels be, anyway?


Sea Swirl, working through a semester on Earth, has no plans for Christmas. A chance encounter with Tempest Shadow might change that.

Written for Admiral Biscuit for Jinglemas 2024 ( group | folder ).

I was given the following prompt, and I hope I did a good job with it. Merry Christmas!

"I'm easy to please, what I like in a story is background characters that never got enough screentime. Heck, surprise me with a toy-only pony, or some other character who's so obscure I've got to check the wiki.

G4 or G5 or Equestria Girls are all cool with me. Likewise, HiE or PoE is good . . . in fact, if it's a PoE and the pony (or other Equestrian) is working a job on Earth, that's super awesome!"

I also modeled some events in the story on the CrowdStrike IT outages. It's not really critical to understand that, but I figured I'd clear it up here just in case.

Chapters (4)

With magic returned to unicorns, terrifying powers of brain-obliteration are within Izzy's reach.

She uses these powers to threaten ponies into kissing her.

Warning: Pony kissing. Proceed at own risk.

Written for the Thousand Word Contest III, categories Slice of Life and Comedy.

Cover art by Helemaranth.
Thanks to Silk Rose, Scriblits Talo, and Visharo for pre-reading and feedback.
Now featuring a reading by RainbowInfinityReadings!

Chapters (1)

It's okay. I'm here. I can remember what happened.

I'm still here.

Written for the Thousand Word Contest III, categories Horror (Pewter Medal!) and Experimental.

Thanks to Silk Rose, Scriblits Talo, ThePeer, and MorganaTheNotCat for pre-reading and feedback.

Now featuring an excellent dramatic reading by Ross and Wizzy!

I recommend reading this in a web browser.

Chapters (1)

A pony investigates the scene of a murder. One problem: no memories.

An entry for Nightmare Night in April 2024 ( group | stories ).

Excellent cover art by IrradiatedPirateBooty!
Thanks to gapty, Silk Rose, and Scriblits Talo for pre-reading and feedback.

Chapters (1)

What happens when a pony develops a phobia of a colour that surrounds her?

Asking for a friend.

An entry for Nightmare Night in April 2024 ( group | stories ).

Originally written for the Bean's Writing Group prompt "Trying to escape from somewhere/someone". On top of the prompt, and the "using color to convey emotion" bonus, I also tried to write it with only periods.

Thanks to RDT and Silk Rose for pre-reading and feedback.

Chapters (1)

This story did not explode! What a relief and/or letdown.

Part of OPERATION CRACKFIC STORM 2024 ( group | stories ).

Thanks to Silk Rose for coming up with the idea, writing chapters 22 and 9, and developing the code; thanks also to Meadowsys for general code help.

Thanks to IrradiatedPirateBooty ( tumblr ) for the awesome character art.

And thanks to everyone in the comments who stuck around for the final countdown!

Chapters (26)

Exquisite Corpse. Like the game of telephone, but with art.

Eight authors enter. One mess of a story leaves. Zero is put back on the "days since class was interrupted by some nonsense" sign, and Cheerilee breathes a sigh of relief now that it's over. So she thinks...

Let's just hope it's as fun to read as it was to write!

This collaborative story features the talents of: PseudoBob (that's me!), EileenSaysHi, The Sleepless Beholder, FanOfMostEverything, Rego, Silver Needle, Dashie04, Bicyclette, and PseudoBob (me again!)

Chapters (9)

On Hearth's Warming Eve, Sky Stinger tries to make things up to Vapor Trail - as a storm arrives in Cloudsdale.

A Jinglemas 2023 gift for Arkadios. Enjoy!

Thanks to sirenc0re and ThePeer for prereading!

Chapters (6)

Listen and understand. The Grimace Shake is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

... or until you try it and see how it tastes. One of those two.

Chapters (9)

Pinkie Pie is invisible. What shall she do?

(Have fun reading this!)

An April Fool's story, and an entry in OPERATION: CRACKFIC-STORM - 2023 ( post | entries ).

Featured 2023 April 1-5 - I am a monument to all your sins. Also, as of July 6 2023, this is the most disliked story of the year! Thank you all!

Chapters (5)