• Member Since 12th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen June 30th


About me: I'm old enough and still enjoying the fandom. I like to edit stories.

Comments ( 98 )
  • Viewing 94 - 98 of 98

A new group dedicated to glorious Communism has come. Spread the word and join our herd:twilightblush:


I hope that you had a good Veteran's Day. Thank you for your service, and know that you and your compatriots are in my thoughts and prayers.

It was my honor and pleasure to do so.:pinkiesmile:


830275 Hardly getting on this site is starting to kill me. :facehoof:

Thanks for the comment. It really means something that people go out of their way to post their thanks, as I personally appreciate them.

Also, you're one of my favorite authors on this site, so it's pretty damn awesome to get a comment from you.

  • Viewing 94 - 98 of 98
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