In all the high schools throughout Canterlot, there's a very special day the week before prom. A day when all the fillies and colts will do their best to pluck up the courage to offer a flower to their crush. It's a shame Shining's is the Prince of Love.
He might be in just a bit over his head.
A request by SPark and Cynewulf from way back in December/January.
Preread by like half of my friends at this point (Brasta Septim, M.E. Lovecolt, Alto, Cynewulf, SPark, and Timaeus).
Cover art by Dreamingnoctis.
Sweet and adorable. Cadence being gender-flipped threw me for a little, and it actually took me a while to realize Bolero was her, but I don't mind. Absolutely stunning story.
Excellent, I wish you would have asked me to preread *big eyes*
Well, those 10000+ words got devoured.
9011836 Gonna go with a hard no on that meme.
9011866 piss off with that.
This thing is cute as fuck. I will proudly take credit for harassing you into it.
If Shining is an alicorn in the story, then shouldn't he have wings?
9011903 Sure, pal.
A story so sweet not even the sore losers in the comments can ruin it. c:
Yasssssss The best harassment choice ever! >:3
9011951 I mean ... well, yes, I am 26 ^^;
A m/m story with shining armor x cadence (r63) that's rare 0.0 don't think i've seen that before or wickedly deliciously,scandalous & I fucking love it!
if ya can't tell i'm being over the top/dramatic. awesome story:)
Ah, some nice fluff. Can never have too much fluff. Never read a Shining/R63!Cadance before, so this was really unique. The tails in the cover art look kinda weird to me, though. They're just...very different from the typical design.
Now you have to write a sequel about how little Blizzard Core wound up being adopted by these two and how he ascended so insanely young for a colt.
... what? Where's the rest!?
*Scrolls through page and recommended*
(Jk I'm okay with this being the end I'm doing this for the memes)
I... I kinda want a lot more of this. Just like, its own 'verse. But without all the inevitable dark drama a 'verse usually has. Just like...
A fluffverse.
Wait, this is 10k words? I read this so fast, lol. Also, how many times am I going to click on something in my feed that looks cute and not check if it's Cara until after I've devoured it? Lol, every time the cutest stories are always from you, and I get so eager because they're so adorable and only realize after it's over who wrote it.
Carapace, you have absolutely taken the spot as my favorite author here. (Not to discredit anyone else I follow, as they've surely earned my follow in their own way.)
Real quick, I'm reading it right now, but I'm hoping that you don't do the standard twist. I won't be too disappointed, but I'd imagine a greater payoff if you could do something different.
H E C C. Oh well, I still liked it.
Very sweet and sappy. I'm definitely gonna go on a romance "bender" thannk to this story.
Indeed, those were 10K words that went fast. He needs to think about what he's done!
Think Carafluff! :P
The tails are a reference to the myth of unicorns! Unicorns are said to have long tails with tufts on the end, like a lion, so a lot of people adopted the headcanon for MLP unicorns!
*Flails* this was just the best fluff and shipping and my heart might explode!!!!!!
Shit man. This reminds me of my crush. We’ve been friends for eight years and I dont want to fuck up the relationship. If only i had the confidence of Bolero.
Teen romance, it never fails to appeal to me yet not much of it is well written;although I would suggest you to use more synonyms for certain words I did love this small storie. Like any fevered fan I’d love to read more about these two love bugs.
Summarizing: I am head over heels for your story
this was really, really great, especially everything after the reveal.
That was really sweet. It did remind me of how much I hated high school though. But it was worth it.
The twist was obvious, after all this is a cuddly fluffy romance story, but the obviousness of the twist doesn't matter because I absolutely loved this.
Just "books" here.
As for this, maybe it's just a stylistic choice on your part, but I think this is meant to be "him" rather than "he."
This wasn't legitimately one of the sweetest things I've ever read. I don't care how damn cliché the "misunderstood his crush isn't asking someone else out on a date" thing is, the execution of this story and all the emotions were so well done. Thank you
I know this might be apparent and states many times now but please.... add a sequel or continuation to what happens between these two
You write so good and this isn't the only story I am a huge fan of and you're my source of fuzzy, cuddly, and wuggly stuff that I need to survive
This is just... it's that good and I do hope you don't stop here woth these two, Bolero x Shining
Howdy, hi!
This is one of my absolute favourite MxM romance stories. It hits all the right notes in terms of fluffiness and seriousness, a really good telling of a typical high school romance but with Shining Armour and R63 Cadance (Honestly doesn't help that Shining is one of my favourite characters). I love all the small details and mannerisms in this story that really sell their relationship to each other as friends and later romantic partners.
This is just such a sweet story from beginning to end that really tells a heartwarming romance. Shining is a sweetheart, Bolero is an empathetic and delightful pony, and the final moment between them revealing their mutual pining was the sweetest and silliest misunderstanding. this is just such a comfort fic and I love rereading it when I'm having a down day.
Absolutely great story, love every reread of it I do. Thanks for the story!
fantastic crush sequence here, just really selling Shining's feelings to us, great stuff
and i love this little fictional tradition! so adorable, and fitting for the setting
ah, always love a math horse pun!
oof! heartbreaking on the surface, but also a setup for a classic misunderstanding twist later
ah, to be teenage melancholy!
aww! at least Shining knows his brother well
i like this take on Cadance/Bolero, with the kind pink exterior having a pony more socially calculating underneath
ha, knew it! such great vivid detail in the reveal, an echo of the initial description of Shining's crush
ah, so good! makes me think of LyraBon both pulling out their ring boxes for each other at the same time
oh, damn! he is not the Prince of Love for nothing here
oof, what can i say? breathtakingly (heh) sensual, amazing stuff. a perfect first kiss indeed
and as we know from the canon, it does! ah, wonderful stuff here. a classic High School romance arc, just done really well based on lovable characters who feel real and just fit together in every little detail. and i just really love this setting you have crafted here, with both what it has and what it lacks. the potential to write a story in a world like this is exactly what drew me to fanfiction about this show in the first place, and it's always frustrated me that there aren't enough people around with the same idea. thank you for bringing this bit of light into this place.