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My Best "Wahtiff" Scenario Stories
Together Again and Forever Twilight Velvet is dead, and Twilight can only blame herself for what happened. However, when she learns of a secret that her parents had kept from both her and Shining Armor, Twilight goes to visit her former mentor, who seems to be hiding a secret by Wahtiff 37,798 words · 364 · 31
A Sunset in the Morning Convinced by Twilight, Sunset Shimmer finally decides to return with her to Equestria- and face the music from her former mentor. Of course, when faced with speaking to her old mentor behind closed doors, the two reconnect as so much more... by Wahtiff 2,914 words · 189 · 1
That is What We Are Many years ago, Dash made several mistakes when she lived in Manehattan. Now, in the face of a secret that could tear her and her biggest fan apart, will Scootaloo still accept her despite being a part of one of her mistakes? by Wahtiff 3,762 words · 30 · 1