• Member Since 6th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


I wrote hoers (Ko-Fi/Patreon)


When Sweetie Belle is asked on her first date, she desperately turns to her best friends and sister for help. With all this planning, nothing could possibly go wrong. Right?

Edited and Proofread by anonpencil

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 52 )

This was adorable Definitely recommending in my first blog of the year! (which will be-posted tomorrow. :P)

Oh mai gooooooosh so cute >3<

Happy new years FP. Good stuff dude FeelsGoodMan

This doesn't really feel like a comedy story to me. Knighty really ought to put in a Cute tag or somesuch for works like this one.
Anyway, it's a great story! Did a fine job on this one. I felt like you really wrote the characters very true to themselves.

Best cmc comedy ever, though, why feathers instead of button mash or spike?

This is utterly cute and very believable

Blood sugar... RISING...

Insulin! Where's my insulin?!

It's just... so gosh darned... SWEET!

I think I feel my teeth rotting out of my head just from reading this. It's sweeter than frickin candy.

Huh...because awkward photographers need love too I guess...
(Also, references to Yamada's First Time perhaps?)

There's two tags that fit perfectly for that, Slice of Life and Romance.

I think my metric for judging adorableness just got bumped up significantly.


I think it's good. I also think there should be a sequel centered around the 2nd date, but where Sweetie Belle ISN'T wearing a dress in this date at all.

6789271 You're lucky she's a damn horse or else you'd be on the FBI watch list

This tugged at the heartstrings in all the best possible ways. It's been a ways since my adolescence... an entire goddamn war among the many things betwixt... but for a moment... I was there again... All that nervous energy and confusion and terrifyingly glorious unlimited possibility! Rarely do I feel that a piece deserves the feature that it receives and I certainly think you won the bet many times over! The dialogue is a little advanced for children of their age but the story flows and ebbs very much like an episode. In point of fact, I could see this as a season 6 scene readily. I don't particularly understand the ship but neither do the characters themselves which is wonderful. Have an upvote, a favorite, AND a watch. I look forward to reviewing this piece more formally later. By the by, you have good control of white space and scene transition. With your permission, I'ld like to use this as an example piece. Truly you are under-estimated. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find some insulin, since you just gave me diabeetus!

6789774 And neither is Featherweight. But still, maybe later on a clopfic between these two? Even though I ship Sweetie Belle with Button Mash and Featherweight with Apple Bloom.


:rainbowderp: W-wow. Thank you for all of your praise. I'd love to be used as an example piece. :heart:

Hey, congrats on getting this featured, in mature as well as non-mature.


Easy now kids, or Priest will send you to your rooms without any supper.

That never made sense to me as a punishment.


How so? You don't behave, you don't get fed. Vicious, but it makes some logical sense.
Though...I can't exactly withhold food through the internet...sooooo....

6790276 This man is judging my opinions with negative thought.

6790466 He should respect my opinions better, or not do anything about them.

"We're all going to die alone, aren't we?" Sweetie Belle said stoically.

I don't know why, but this bit just set me off cackling for five minutes straight. All of it was pretty funny, but this? It just got to me.

Anyway, definitely an awesome CMC fic based on this chapter alone

I also must commend all the dialogue here. Don't really know what to say except it's just great, and seems fitting to the characters-especially Rarity, but all of them were great.

HiddenMaster out

I don't know much about photography but wouldn't the pictures have been ruined when Sweetie opened the door to the darkroom when she left?

6788796 I respectfully disagree. I think there are stories out there that could be Cute while also being Adventurous and not having a hint of Romance. Maybe Cute isn't the right word? It's more a feelgood/adorable kind of work and I think there should be a tag for it.

Like Heartwarming? Like, 8th-Sin's Moonie Shorts, many stories are able to be extremely cute without needing a romance angle.

Nevermind, I agree with you. Something along the lines of a fluff or adorable category.

6790561 It's so deliciously cynical and fatalistic coming from a little kid, so out of character for Sweetie Belle, yet so telling of her current predicament. I love it. It's the best.

6790717 6790781 I think Slice-of-Life is pretty functional, and dunno if there's much value to be found in distinguishing between typical SoL and "cute" SoL. I suppose more categories can't hurt, but adding more runs the risk of overinflating with too much granularity, which introduces its own form of clutter.

Ahh. First dates. They NEVER go well, no matter how hard you try. Which is a big part of them, yet so adorably cute when viewed in hindsight. :rainbowkiss:

Sudden barrage of downvotes on comments huh?

Somebody's salty.

Thank you Flutterpriest for the New Year diabetus.



*now has another ship to add to the list* XD

This was heartwarmingly simple and nice. No need to overcomplicate things with pretentious chivalry or cliche things. No need to talk way too much saying things that don't matter or are fake compliments or unnecessary pick-up lines. Or smooth high class shit.

Smoothly done Flutterpriest. Good job. Worth the box I say because it is well written. Not because of the shipping.

Quite lovely. Youthful misunderstanding goes completely right.

The darkroom was in the basement behind another closed door. While not ideal, the pictures probably would have been fine so long as Sweetie closed the darkroom door behind herself. At least according to my brain map.

6797531 I was thinking that too. I believe it said that she opened and closed the door quickly, so maybe the pictures would be oday.

I just know he hadn't meant it as a date. This it's going to be awkward.

Called it! Though it's nice that it turned out well anyway. I usually don't enjoy these sorts of misunderstandings, but the quick resolution helped a lot. Thanks for the story.

No one answered Scootaloo's question: what is blush?

If you enjoyed writing this, do more non-anon stories.

Awwh, that was adorable!! <3

6790693 Can we go with 'no' because um they are talking ponies and use magic? If that isn't a good enough answer then yes those pics are ruined

Where's the pie?

Aww man this was really cute. Nice job Priest :raritywink:

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