Sweetie had a completely open mind and an open heart as she approached the school. She took deep breaths and slowed down as she got within view of the entrance. And just off in the distance was the long-legged, brown-maned Featherweight, still sporting his camera, photographing things as he waited.
Sweetie felt a pang of nervousness strike her as she came closer, but tried to push it away. She remembered what Rarity told her.
'Focus on making a friend. It shouldn't matter what happens if I aim to have a good time.'
"Be yourself," she whispered under her breath. "I can do this."
Sweetie trotted towards Featherweight with a wide smile.
"Hi, Featherweight!"
Featherweight looked away from his camera and smiled to his new guest.
"Hey, Sweetie Belle. Thanks for coming to hang out! You look nice. What's the occasion?"
Sweetie Belle did her best to repress a giggle as she joined her date.
"Oh you know..." she said with a playful shrug. "So, what did you have planned?"
Featherweight thought to himself carefully as Sweetie Belle looked him over.
'That's weird,' she thought to herself. 'Why isn't he dressed up? Did he forget?'
Sweetie Belle checked him over curiously.
'In fact, he didn't buy flowers either. What gives? Guys are always supposed to buy flowers. At least, that was what the girls said.'
"Well, I was thinking... What we could do was go on a walk, maybe grab a quick bite to eat, then go down to the pond to see the ducks. Yeah. I think that would be nice," Featherweight replied.
Then it clicked in Sweetie's head. It all suddenly made sense.
'He's poor.'
"I think that's sounds like a great time," she replied with a sympathetic smile.
"Great! Then let's go," he said, turning away from her.
Sweetie followed alongside Featherweight, feeling a new-found pity for him. She carefully made a story for him inside her head. There he was: Quiet and alone. In the back of the classroom every day. Admiring her from a far. Maybe taking a picture or two of her when she wasn't looking, so he could admire the photo in his free time. But he didn't dare approach her about his feelings, because he would be too afraid of being rejected and couldn't take her on a nice date anyway. Until, today. When he finally couldn't take it anymore and followed his heart.
'Yeah. Yeah, that sounds about right.'
"So, uhm. How long have you been taking pictures, Featherweight?"
"Oh. Well, I guess I've been using a camera... ever since I could remember. I just loved taking pictures of things. And learning about what makes a good picture. One day my family got me a nice camera for my birthday and the rest was history."
"Wow. That's pretty cool," she said.
"I guess so. It's nothing really a big deal," he chuckled. "What about singing though? You seem to be really passionate about that."
Sweetie Belle blushed. She wasn't ready for the conversation to set it's sights on her just yet. Desperately trying to find the correct words to say, she found herself just blabbing whatever came to mind.
"Oh. Uhm. Well. I've been singing ever since I was a filly. It just... felt right. And then, when the girls and I all got our cutie marks, I was relieved that music was part of my special talent."
Sweetie looked shyly up at Featherweight, who smiled back. His expression was curious, as if he was hanging on her every word.
"That makes sense to me. I really wonder sometimes why my cutie mark is more about my body type, rather than photography... but I'm doing my best not to think about it too much. I'm sure that I'll figure it out some day."
Sweetie Belle laughed to herself.
"That's probably for the best. I didn't get mine until the Crusaders stopped worrying about our cutie marks so much."
Featherweight nodded and looked back to the path that the two walked. Sweetie eyed the colt carefully, feeling a weird pang of nervousness in her chest. But, mixed with that was also a tinge of excitement.
'This isn't so bad,' she thought to herself. 'We're off to a good start. Sure there aren't any fancy flowers... and I'm the only one that got dressed up, but this is still nice. It's like we're just a couple of friends.'
She averted her eyes from him just as she realized she was staring.
She couldn't stare at him. That would be weird. Right? Right.
The sun was high in the sky and the grass was delicately manicured. A few squirrels ran around, deep into a game that only their kind could understand, while birds filled the air with song. Her eyes scanned the horizon until she saw another couple. Two ponies that were extremely close together, with soft caring smiles as they walked beside one another. Sweetie noticed that the mare was gently leaning against the stallion as she looked back to Featherweight.
There was easily a meter separating them.
'Oh no! What am I doing?!' she cursed at herself. 'I'm messing this up! Okay, Sweetie Belle. You can do this.'
She took step after careful step closer to Featherweight, much as a spy would sneak up on an unsuspecting enemy rather than an attempt for physical comfort. Sweetie took a deep, quiet breath. Then leaned her side into the colt. He immediately recoiled.
Sweetie backed away slightly as Featherweight's eyes widened. He turned to her with an apology in his eyes.
"Oh! Sorry. Did I bump into you?" he asked.
"Uhm. No! No. It was my bad. Sorry."
"Oh, okay."
Featherweight turned his gaze back to the path in front of him and Sweetie Belle looked in the exact opposite direction of her date, her face a flat red.
'Kill me now...' she thought to herself. 'Is it too late to go home? Maybe hide in my room for the next twenty years?'
She remained close to his side as the two walked in utter silence. Sweetie bounced between looking at her surroundings, to the ground in front of her, then to her date.
'Why is it so quiet?' she wondered. 'We aren't saying anything. Is this bad? This is bad.'
"So, uhm," she said.
Featherweight looked to her with an expression of curiosity.
"N-nice... weather we're having?"
"Yeah. It is nice, isn't it?" he replied. "It's the perfect day to take pictures."
"I'm sure," she chuckled nervously.
Then the silence returned, refilling the air with awkward tension.
'Why isn't he saying anything?'
"Is that all that we're going to do today?" she asked. "Take pictures at the pond?"
"Well, uhm. Yeah. That's what I was thinking," he replied innocently.
'Oh. Great. Pictures at the pond? What was he thinking? What kind of date is that?!'
Sweetie Belle was more than confused. This was not even close to what she'd expected. So far, all they'd done was... walk. And talk. And only a little at that. She took a deep breath and tried to steel herself.
'Who knows? Maybe there's some surprise... or maybe it'll get better.'
"So, what's your family like, Sweetie Belle?" Featherweight spoke up.
The question was so sudden that Sweetie jumped an inch.
"Oh, uhm. I don't know what to say. I spend most of my time with my Mom and Dad. They're nice enough. Pretty typical parents at the end of the day. Mom cooks and cleans while Dad goes to work and reads the paper. Whenever I get the chance, I try see my sister, Rarity."
"She owns the dress shop, right?" he asked.
"Yeah. That's right."
"What's she like?"
Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes.
"Rarity's a whole different story. You never know what you're going to get out of her. Some days, she's the sweetest, kindest, most caring sister ever. Then, the next day she can be the world's biggest jerk."
"Huh," he said quietly. "Are all sisters like that?"
Sweetie shrugged a little.
"I guess so. Apple Bloom sorta says the same thing about Applejack. So it might just be a sister thing. Why do you ask?"
"Well, I've never really had any siblings. So, I guess I'm just curious," he replied.
"Oh, I see. So you're an only child?"
Sweetie Belle trotted on with the colt, feeling much more relaxed with how the date was currently going. She spoke up again, fearing another silence would set in.
"So, what are your parents like?" she asked.
"Oh! Well, I guess my family is a little different," he said nervously. "My Mom works here in Ponyville while my Dad does traveling sales. He always comes home for big events like holidays and birthdays, but he really isn't home very much."
Sweetie turned to the stallion with renewed interest.
"Wait, so you don't get to see your Dad very much?" she asked.
"Yeah," he said. "I mean, sometimes it stinks, but it makes the time that we spend together much more special. So it sorta works out. And he said he's getting a new job next year."
"Wow," she said quietly.
"But, I mean. We get to have a lot of really nice things. Like when my parents gave me this camera," he said, motioning to the device around his neck.
Sweetie nodded, but decided not to press the subject any further. She looked at him carefully, but he showed no hints of sadness or hurt. In fact, his expression didn't change much at all.
'I don't know what I'd do if Dad had to travel for long periods of time... but I guess he must be used to it. It's weird how we can all be so similar but experience things so differently.'
"Oh! Hey, there's a Hayburger up ahead. Wanna grab something to eat?" he asked.
Sweetie looked at him in shock.
"Sure," Sweetie Belle said quietly.
'I don't get it. Aren't we supposed to go somewhere fancy on a date?'
Sweetie Belle looked down at her nice dress and clicked her tongue. She was beginning to feel silly for getting all gussied up for this. The dress was hot and itchy from not being broken in. However, she wasn't about to turn to Featherweight and suddenly say 'I'm taking my clothes off now.'
Somehow that would just seem rude.
Or, more importantly, what would she do? Carry it around? That seemed like even more of a bother.
She resigned herself to having to live in her uncomfortable cloth prison for awhile longer as they approached their humble eatery. Once the two got to the door, Featherweight jumped into action and opened the door for her. Sweetie Belle smiled and perked her head up.
'Now this is more like it!' she thought to herself. 'This is exactly what I expected.'
"Thank you, Featherweight," Sweetie said as she headed into the restaurant.
She paused once she was inside to turn and wait for him. But, he continued holding the door for an older mare who sauntered in as well. Then another, and another. Soon, what could have been an entire quilting club of mares funneled into the establishment. Sweetie Belle sighed quietly. Soon, Featherweight followed in and chuckled.
"Just my luck to get stuck holding the door, huh?" he said. "Here, let's order before they all get in line."
Sweetie nodded and followed behind him as the two approached the counter. A pale yellow mare stood there and smiled at them just a bit too widely.
"Welcome to Hayburger! Aren't you two just precious!" she said in a high-pitched and sweet voice.
Sweetie Belle blushed and looked away, while Featherweight looked at the cashier with a strange, confused expression.
"What can I get you today?~"
"Oh. Uhm. One Hayburger and fries for me," Featherweight spoke up.
"One strawberry milkshake," Sweetie Belle said.
"Alright..." she said, punching in the order. "Now is this together or separate?"
"Togeth-," Sweetie said.
"Separate," Featherweight said at the same time.
The two foals looked at each other in unison and exchanged confused glances.
'Wait... what? Separate...'
"Uhm. Separate," Sweetie said, hiding her disappointment.
"Okay!" the cashier replied, but her words faded off into the distance as Sweetie Belle fell into deep thought.
'Well, I suppose this is why I brought bits. But, isn't the guy paying for the date the most basic part? What is going on? Why is Featherweight acting so... weird? Could it just be that he's super shy? Or doesn't have anypony to teach him how dates work? Or... or is this not actually a date?'
Featherweight and Sweetie sat at a booth in the dining area, munching on their meals. However, she didn't find herself having much of an appetite. She was too busy trying to pull all of the pieces together in her head.
He didn't bring flowers. He didn't dress up. He didn't take her anywhere fancy. He didn't pay for her meal.
Sweetie Belle studied his expression as he talked about about photography and the different cameras he liked. A part of her felt guilty for not paying attention, but what she knew about cameras was limited to: 'they make a click and a photo comes out.' So, hearing an entire run down of all the different types of lenses that were on his wish list was a little excessive.
She simply couldn't work it out. Why wasn't this going the way she expected?
'Is this some sort of prank? Is Diamond Tiara setting all of this up?' she wondered.
She watched him in some disbelief, but then decided against that line of thought. If Diamond Tiara was going to suddenly jump in and cause a ruckus, she probably would have done it by now. But if that wasn't it, then what would it be?
When a boy asks to spend time alone together, it can only mean one thing.
So was he just being shy? Was he being put up to this by other colts? He was certainly being friendly and he certainly wasn't uncomfortable... so shyness didn't seem to fit. He could have been dared by other colts, but wouldn't he be more nervous? It didn't seem to add up.
Then, Sweetie Belle became acutely aware that he had been silent and staring at her for sometime.
'Why is he staring at me? Oh no. Did he ask me something? I wasn't paying any attention. Uhm. What should I say? I'm so doomed.'
"Oh! Uhm. Sorry. I didn't catch that. I was daydreaming a little," she said nervously.
Featherweight smiled and rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof.
"Sorry, I guess I sorta just ranted at you about photography for an hour, didn't I?"
Sweetie Belle waved her hooves.
"No! No! It was fine. Uhm. It was... Fascinating. Really. I was amazed that there are so many different... kinds of... uh. Film!"
Featherweight smiled gently.
"It's fine. I know I get worked up about that stuff sometimes. Once I get going, It's hard to get me to talk about anything else. Other ponies don't usually like to talk about photography. Not everypony for it has the same passion for it that I do."
"Well, I mean. That's not a bad thing, really," she replied.
Featherweight looked at her curiously, tilting his head.
"What I mean is that it's really cool that you have such a passion for it, but I don't know much about it, so I can't really share the same enthusiasm right away. Sorry."
"Don't be sorry. It's my mistake," he said.
Another silence fell between them, but it wasn't necessarily the same awkwardness from before. Instead, the both of them smiled at each other, examining their faces. The moment hung in the air for a few fantastic, unforgettable seconds. Then, Sweetie looked away, realizing she was staring again. Featherweight coughed and did the same He sat up straight and spoke.
"So, uhm. Want to-"
"Get out of here?"
The two grabbed their trays, emptied them, then stepped back out into the fresh afternoon air.
"So. Then, the pond?" Featherweight asked.
"Yeah, sure."
But her internal debate was still raging.
'Does Featherweight not actually like me?' she wondered. 'Or did I do something to make him think differently? Was it the dress?'
Sweetie Belle thought up every reason under the sun why she was the one that made the critical date-ruining mistake. However, nothing seemed to stick. Each idea seemed silly in their own way or was downright implausible.
"So, uhm," Sweetie started, trying to break yet another tension as they walked. "Why the pond?"
Featherweight turned to Sweetie Belle.
"Why did you want to go to the pond? Was there any reason in particular?" she asked.
"Uhm. Uh," he said, his cheeks growing red. "No, not really. It's a nice place and there's ducks there. They're always nice to take pictures of. Pictures! Yes. Pictures. Pictures of ducks."
"Oh, I see."
'Pictures of ducks? Well... ducks are nice I guess.'
Sweetie was now suddenly unsure if this really wasn't some sort of setup. If it was, she was in too deep now. She took a breath and followed behind him. The pond loomed off in the distance as other ponies passed the two of them by. Featherweight seemed to be completely fine staying quiet, but Sweetie Belle felt like every second without something being said was an hour.
As soon as the pond was within a few dozen meters of them, Featherweight stopped. Sweetie stopped behind him looking at him with concern. He raised his camera to his eye and held still for a second. His entire body went rigid, his tail and ears standing completely still. He held his breath. And the camera clicked.
"There we go," he whispered to himself.
Sweetie looked at him, confused. Why was he taking a picture here? It's just the pond. Ponies saw it every day. Then, the filly looked out in the direction of the shot and immediately saw why.
The landscape of rolling hills and trees behind the pond reflected at just the right angle onto its glassy surface. The sun shone brightly onto the water, making the whole scene seem to glow with energy. The land was serene and peaceful. A fish jumped out of the water, caught a fly, then dived back down into the depths of it's home, which sent ripples across the surface.
"Wow..." Sweetie Belle said in a sigh.
'How have I never seen the pond like this before? I just thought it was another place to cool off when the weather was too hot.'
"That would have been even better if I got the fish in it," Featherweight said to himself.
"I still think it's nice."
"Yeah, I guess so."
"Oh come on," she said with a smile. "It's not like you could have predicted when the fish would jump."
"I suppose. I just-"
He cut himself off and sighed.
"I just really want to get a one in a million shot. I've taken tons of pictures, but none of mine have ever really had that 'perfect picture' vibe."
He resumed his walk around the pond as she trotted to keep up with him.
"Well, it's certainly not something to beat yourself up about. I mean, I'm sure you'll get one someday."
"You think so?" he asked.
"I know so," Sweetie answered with a smile.
Featherweight's demeanor shifted as he studied Sweetie Belle's positive expression.
"Well, all I can do is try, right?" he said.
"That's the spirit."
The two continued their walk until he stopped in front of a large oak tree. The oak tree had been by the pond for decades, and as such had garnered a fair share of carvings in it's trunk, kites stuck in it's branches, and other artifacts from the townsfolk.
"Hey, do you want to stop for a second?" he asked.
"Oh my gosh, I'd love to. This dress is so hot and stuffy-"
"Then could you... uhm," he said, as he spread his wings and fluttered to a spot a few feet from the tree. "Sit right here? Please?"
Sweetie looked at him curiously, but made her way to the spot he suggested. A wave of nervousness spread through her.
'Could this be it? Is Diamond Tiara going to jump out and dump a pail of worms on me? Why here?'
She sat down in the soft grass and looked at him with unease.
"Now, just look towards me and don't move," he said.
He fluttered a few feet away and held his camera up to his right eye. His hooves went to work changing the settings and adjusting the lens of his camera. His wings flittered quietly as he tried to keep himself at one set height in the air.
'He must be getting ready to capture my humiliation on film,' Sweetie Belle thought, resigning herself to her fate. 'Let's just get this over with.'
"Hey, Sweetie Belle," he said to her.
She raised her head slightly at being addressed.
"Could you move your head just a little to the left. And up a little," he said.
She did what he asked as her muscles tensed up.
"Okay," she replied.
He hummed under his breath and let the camera dangle around his neck.
"One more thing," he said.
"Just take a deep breath," he said softly.
Sweetie Belle took a deep breath of air and held it in her lungs. He smiled at her with a sort of innocence. The filly began to really think about the situation she found herself in. Here she was in in a fancy dress, sitting by a lakeside, under the shade of a magnificent oak tree. Being guided by a photographer to pose.
She felt... beautiful.
Sweetie Belle realized that, right now, she was a model for Featherweight. And, it made her feel good. She let out the breath of air, and any sort of self-doubt with it. Her muscles relaxed as she found herself feeling much more comfortable.
"There, even your smile looks better. Perfect," he said happily. "Now then. Don't move."
He held his camera back to his eye and adjusted the settings one more time. The birds were chirping. She heard a fish jump in the pond again. And Sweetie Belle found herself at peace. The type of peace that makes somepony remember that moment as 'the good ol' days'. And with a click of a camera, that moment was caught on film.
"Perfect," he said.
"How did it look?" Sweetie Belle asked, rising to her hooves.
"Well, do you want to see?" he asked. "I think this roll is out."
"Sure!" she said, realizing that their date had just been extended.
"Then I'll take you to the darkroom at the school house. Follow me."
Sweetie Belle followed Featherweight once more through the town, but this time, she didn't feel awkward or nervous at the silence between them. Sure, on one hand, there wasn't much she could think of to say, but on the other hand, she didn't think anything needed to be said. There was a warmth that built up in her chest as she just enjoyed the moment of being with him.
Not the gripping, strangling warmth of embarrassment, but rather the delicate, dreamy warmth of butterflies. She caught herself staring at him a few times, but would look away as soon as her eyes locked with his. Sweetie Belle didn't stop to wonder what these new feelings or change of heart meant to her, but rather just lived and enjoyed the moment. Her concerns were pushed to the back of her mind as the two foals approached the schoolhouse.
"Wait a minute," she said. "How will we get in?"
"I have a key to the basement since I run the Foal Free Press," he answered. "So I can make sure the paper gets made on time."
Featherweight took a key, hidden behind a bush, and unlocked the outdoor entrance to the basement of the schoolhouse. Swinging open the doors, he motioned for her to follow as he descended the stairs. Sweetie followed him closely, since the basement was dark and she had only been down there a handful of times.
Once they were inside, he immediately took a right into a room she had always thought was a closet. She followed him inside as he flipped a switch, turning on two dim-red bulbs that illuminated the room. Inside was a table with several tubs filled with liquid and a clothesline with several pictures hanging up.
"This is the darkroom," he said, seeing Sweetie's unease. "We use red bulbs because it won't hurt the film. If film or photo paper gets exposed to direct light, they get ruined."
"Oh, I see," she answered.
Featherweight opened his camera to take out his film.
"We cut up the film into little pieces and put them in these chemical baths to clean up the image. That gives us the negative. After we have the negative, we have this little machine that enlarges it. It's sorta complicated to explain... but it's like a reverse picture. Instead of the picture coming in, it goes out. It usually takes a few days to do it perfectly."
He rubbed back of his neck with a hoof.
"Okay, maybe it's a little complicated, but I wouldn't mind showing you."
Sweetie smiled and nodded.
Featherweight grabbed a film snipper and immediately went to work, cutting each individual piece of film and sorting them into piles.
Sweetie watched his serious expression as he worked. There was something particularly handsome about him that she couldn't put her hoof on. Whenever he was focused on his passion there was an attractiveness that came out in him. Maybe it was the intense focus, or the confident way that he held himself. Or maybe even that he was willing to share something he held so close to his heart with somepony else.
Sweetie Belle found herself moving closer to him. She stood beside him, watching him work. That warmth bubbled up from within her again as she felt tense and giggly at the same time. Her eyes drifted to his face and she began to really look at him. She didn't care about the lankiness of his frame. She didn't care about the way his teeth poked out in front, or his ruffled, mangy mane. She didn't even care that he seemed like a total dork at times. There was something that drew her to him.
Something that made her want to know more about him. Something... that wanted to give him a chance. Her eyes moved to his lips, and her entire world pushed pause. An idea popped into her head and refused to leave.
They were alone, in a dimly lit room. Just the two of them.
She felt her heartbeat skip.
Sweetie suddenly felt all too aware of how dry her lips were. It would be just like the movies.
Shouldn't the first date have a kiss? All first dates have a kiss.
There had to be a kiss. This was non-negotiable.
She felt herself shudder as she tip-toed towards Featherweight. Sweetie leaned herself towards the unsuspecting colt. Her first kiss... In the darkroom, all alone in the schoolhouse. Something she'd never forget.
Sweetie closed her eyes and leaned in.
'This is really happening? Oh my gosh... This is really happening!'
"What are you doing?" Featherweight asked.
She snapped back and took three large fleeting steps away.
"I, uhm. Er. I. Uh," she stuttered
"Featherweight looked at her and his eyes were wide in shock.
"I dunno. I guessed. Erm. Dates should end with a kiss. And-"
"Wait. Date. What?" he asked, breathing quickly. "D-date? This was a date?"
Sweetie Belle wanted to curl into a ball so tightly that she might find some way to fold within herself and disappear forever.
"I-I was just saying we should hang out... and stuff. And I mean. I would- but. Uhm. A date?" Featherweight stuttered.
"Well I was just thinking since you said to hang out all alone-" Sweetie said, but she couldn't find the right words.
Their bright red faces were completely hidden by the dark red light of the room.
"I mean. Oh man. I knew something was off. The dress, and, and-" he stuttered
"I'm sorry. I'm- I'll. Uhm. I should go. I mean. I'm so stupid!" she said to herself.
Sweetie turned to the door of the room and closed her eyes.
'Of course. I should have known. I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid. I-'
"No wait!" Featherweight called after her.
Sweetie stopped, her hoof on the door handle.
'Oh no... what now? How could this possibly get any worse...'
"I... uhm. Uh. Did... Did you want this to be a date?" he said quietly.
Sweetie lowered her hoof from the handle and turned to face him, her eyes locked on the floor. She dug her hoof into the hard ground, trying to see if there was any answer waiting for her. She nodded meekly. Featherweight looked around and locked his gaze on the floor as well.
"Because. Uhm. If I knew it were a date. I-I would have done things differently. And it would have been better. And, uhm. I would like that. The thing. A Date. With you. Sometime," he stuttered.
The familiar fluttering feeling found it's place back into her chest. She took a step closer.
"Are you saying... you'd like to go on a date with me?" she asked quietly.
He gulped loudly and Sweetie Belle looked up to him. His gaze met hers and he nodded quietly. The two of them smiled and took a step closer to each other. The warmth built up in Sweetie's chest much faster than last time. Her mind became clouded and hazy. She found herself uncomfortable, but only one thing was on her mind. Sweetie bit her lower lip and closed her eyes.
In one quick motion, she pushed her lips onto his then ran out the door of the darkroom.
"I'm not doing anything Friday night Gotta go Bye"
And the door slammed behind her, leaving a dazed, confused, but happy Featherweight.
Sweetie Belle ran as fast as she could. Sweat dripped down her forehead as her destination loomed in the distance.
The Boutique.
She ran to the entrance with great haste, panting for breath. She kicked down the door, leaping inside and slamming the door behind her. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Rarity looked up at Sweetie with confusion, pausing their game of Old-Mare.
"Well, how'd it go?" Scootaloo asked.
"Tell us everything!" Apple Bloom said, leaping onto the table.
Rarity rose to her hooves, fearing the worst.
"Is everything alright, dear?"
Sweetie squealed and made little jumps of joy.
"I have a second date!"
Featherweight stepped out of the darkroom, his newly developed and dried pictures in hand. He approached his masterpiece, the album of rural beauty. He had a hint of pride as he turned each page and admired each of his more prized shots. As he reached the end, he took the first picture off the top of his new stack and examined it. It was the picture of Sweetie Belle in her dress, wearing a wide smile and posing under an oak tree by the pond. He made a gentle, happy sigh as he applied glue to the back and put it on the page.
"One in a million."
This was adorable Definitely recommending in my first blog of the year! (which will be-posted tomorrow. :P)
Oh mai gooooooosh so cute >3<
Happy new years FP. Good stuff dude FeelsGoodMan
This doesn't really feel like a comedy story to me. Knighty really ought to put in a Cute tag or somesuch for works like this one.
Anyway, it's a great story! Did a fine job on this one. I felt like you really wrote the characters very true to themselves.
This is utterly cute and very believable
Blood sugar... RISING...
Insulin! Where's my insulin?!
It's just... so gosh darned... SWEET!
I think I feel my teeth rotting out of my head just from reading this. It's sweeter than frickin candy.
There's two tags that fit perfectly for that, Slice of Life and Romance.
I think my metric for judging adorableness just got bumped up significantly.
I think it's good. I also think there should be a sequel centered around the 2nd date, but where Sweetie Belle ISN'T wearing a dress in this date at all.
6789271 You're lucky she's a damn horse or else you'd be on the FBI watch list
This tugged at the heartstrings in all the best possible ways. It's been a ways since my adolescence... an entire goddamn war among the many things betwixt... but for a moment... I was there again... All that nervous energy and confusion and terrifyingly glorious unlimited possibility! Rarely do I feel that a piece deserves the feature that it receives and I certainly think you won the bet many times over! The dialogue is a little advanced for children of their age but the story flows and ebbs very much like an episode. In point of fact, I could see this as a season 6 scene readily. I don't particularly understand the ship but neither do the characters themselves which is wonderful. Have an upvote, a favorite, AND a watch. I look forward to reviewing this piece more formally later. By the by, you have good control of white space and scene transition. With your permission, I'ld like to use this as an example piece. Truly you are under-estimated. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find some insulin, since you just gave me diabeetus!
6789774 And neither is Featherweight. But still, maybe later on a clopfic between these two? Even though I ship Sweetie Belle with Button Mash and Featherweight with Apple Bloom.
6790138 Thats disgusting
6790171 THEN GET OUT!
Hey, congrats on getting this featured, in mature as well as non-mature.
6790203 Fuck you
Easy now kids, or Priest will send you to your rooms without any supper.
That never made sense to me as a punishment.
How so? You don't behave, you don't get fed. Vicious, but it makes some logical sense.
Though...I can't exactly withhold food through the internet...sooooo....
6790276 This man is judging my opinions with negative thought.
...ok, and?
6790466 He should respect my opinions better, or not do anything about them.
I don't know much about photography but wouldn't the pictures have been ruined when Sweetie opened the door to the darkroom when she left?
.... shit.
6788796 I respectfully disagree. I think there are stories out there that could be Cute while also being Adventurous and not having a hint of Romance. Maybe Cute isn't the right word? It's more a feelgood/adorable kind of work and I think there should be a tag for it.
Like Heartwarming? Like, 8th-Sin's Moonie Shorts, many stories are able to be extremely cute without needing a romance angle.
Nevermind, I agree with you. Something along the lines of a fluff or adorable category.
6790717 6790781 I think Slice-of-Life is pretty functional, and dunno if there's much value to be found in distinguishing between typical SoL and "cute" SoL. I suppose more categories can't hurt, but adding more runs the risk of overinflating with too much granularity, which introduces its own form of clutter.
Ahh. First dates. They NEVER go well, no matter how hard you try. Which is a big part of them, yet so adorably cute when viewed in hindsight.
Sudden barrage of downvotes on comments huh?
Somebody's salty.
Thank you Flutterpriest for the New Year diabetus.
*now has another ship to add to the list* XD
This was heartwarmingly simple and nice. No need to overcomplicate things with pretentious chivalry or cliche things. No need to talk way too much saying things that don't matter or are fake compliments or unnecessary pick-up lines. Or smooth high class shit.
Smoothly done Flutterpriest. Good job. Worth the box I say because it is well written. Not because of the shipping.
Quite lovely. Youthful misunderstanding goes completely right.
The darkroom was in the basement behind another closed door. While not ideal, the pictures probably would have been fine so long as Sweetie closed the darkroom door behind herself. At least according to my brain map.
6797531 I was thinking that too. I believe it said that she opened and closed the door quickly, so maybe the pictures would be oday.
Called it! Though it's nice that it turned out well anyway. I usually don't enjoy these sorts of misunderstandings, but the quick resolution helped a lot. Thanks for the story.
If you enjoyed writing this, do more non-anon stories.
Awwh, that was adorable!! <3
6790693 Can we go with 'no' because um they are talking ponies and use magic? If that isn't a good enough answer then yes those pics are ruined
Aww man this was really cute. Nice job Priest
Well... This's been lovely
. You had me guessing the real ending all the while: first I predicted there'd be no date, but you made it so obvious I started to think otherwise... Then I was lost
Then came a twist... Turned out lovely! (Maybe, there should be a bookshelf for that?)