• Published 1st Jan 2016
  • 2,743 Views, 52 Comments

Sweetie Belle's First Date - Flutterpriest

When Sweetie Belle is asked on her first date, she desperately turns to her best friends and sister for help. With all this planning, nothing could possibly go wrong. Right?

  • ...

Crash Course

Sweetie Belle ran as fast as she could. Sweat dripped down her forehead as her destination loomed in the distance.

The tree-house.

It was her final hope for salvation. The other girls could help her. There was nothing she couldn't do with the help of Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. But she knew that the Crusaders had never faced a challenge of this magnitude before. Her only hope was that they were up to the daunting task. She ascended the wooden ramp with great haste, panting for breath. She kicked down the door, leapt inside and slammed it behind her. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked up at Sweetie with confusion, pausing their game of Old-Mare.

"Girls! We have an emergency! I need your help!" Sweetie Belle squeaked.

Scootaloo rose to her hooves in a flash, ready for action.

"What is it? Is Ponyville in danger? Again?"

Apple Bloom leapt up as well, striking a pose she likely saw from a martial arts movie poster.

"Is it some monster? Or maybe a fire-breathin' dragon?"

Sweetie Belle shook her head, trying to catch her breath.

"Even worse."

"Then what?" Sweetie's friends said in unison.

"I got asked out on a date by Featherweight! For later today!" Sweetie Belle said in a panic.

The two girls looked at the unicorn in surprise, unsure of how to register this newly acquired information. Apple Bloom's jaw dropped a little and Scootaloo tilted her head. Sweetie Belle cleared her throat and exchanged glances with both of her friends.

"That's-" Scootaloo said.

"AMAZING!" Apple Bloom interrupted. "Really! Featherweight? Who'da thought that Featherweight woulda had a crush on you?! I mean, Pipsqueak I could see, but Featherweight?"

Sweetie Belle darted her eyes between her friends and the floor.

"I-I know. It was a big shock to me. He just asked if I wanted to 'hang out' with him on my way over here."

"And you told him yes?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Well, sorta. Loudly. Then, I ran here as fast as I could."

Apple Bloom hopped around the tree-house in glee, while Scootaloo looked like she'd got socks as a birthday present.

"I guess a date is cool too. I was just hoping for something more, ya know, action packed," Scootaloo added.

"So what'cha gunna do? Go on a romantic date? Fancy dinner? Hold hooves?" Apple Bloom asked, batting her eyes.

Sweetie Belle began to pace the tree-house.

"That's the problem. I have no idea what's going to happen. I don't know what I'm supposed to do! You'd think that living with Rarity would mean that I should know how dates work, but most of the time she hides in her room with wine and makes dresses. So, I was hoping I could find out from you girls. How do dates work?"

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at each other with questioning gazes.

"Us?" they asked.

Scootaloo laughed as Apple Bloom gave the pegasus a disapproving gaze. The orange filly looked from Apple Bloom to Sweetie Belle.

"Oh. You're serious."

"Yes!" Sweetie said, frustrated.

"Ah have no idea," Apple Bloom said. "I've never gone on a date before. And I've never seen Applejack go out with anypony either."

"I didn't find out what a date was until I saw it in a movie," Scootaloo replied. "Maybe we could think about things that happen in movies and use them as a way to get you ready for a real date."

Sweetie Belle smiled wide and raised her head confidently.

"Scootaloo! That's a great idea! Quick, let's think. What happens in movie dates?"

The girls sat in a circle and began to think about what romance looked like to each of them.

"Oh! They get all dressed up and go on a fancy dinner," Apple Bloom said.

"Oh yeah! It has to be really good food," Scootaloo added.

"Don't they have to talk about themselves?" Sweetie asked.

Apple Bloom nodded in agreement.

"Of course. It's how they get to know each other. I'm sure we can figure that out. What else?"

"What else?" Sweetie panicked. "What do you mean there's more? How do I know what to say?!"

"Let's write down a list of everything we can think of first, then worry about the details, okay?" Scootaloo said. "Here. Let me do it."

Scootaloo grabbed a piece of paper and a crayon then began to scribble down their ideas.

"Ooh! Doesn't the boy usually bring flowers?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I'm not sure how that helps me..." Sweetie said.

"Got it," Scootaloo said.

"And the couples definitely have to hold hooves. I think that's a must," Apple Bloom added.

"And a walk through the park?" Scootaloo said.

"Yeah! Put that down."

The usually white cheeks of the unicorn were growing more and more pink by the second.

"Uhm, girls. I-I dunno if I should do this."

"Oh horsefeathers!" Apple Bloom replied.

"I mean, I sorta just said 'Yes' out of panic. Maybe I should call it off."

"Well, do you like Featherweight?" Scootaloo asked.

Sweetie Belle shrugged.

"I mean, I don't really have a crush on him. Or anypony else really. He seems nice."

She traced a hoof on the floorboards and her ears turned downwards.

"Then what's wrong with him?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I-I don't know," she replied. "I guess I'm just really nervous."

"Then how about we get started?" Scootaloo said, rising to her hooves. "We got a few things that we can prepare for. How much time do we have?"

"Uhm. Three hours," Sweetie replied.


Apple Bloom panicked as Scootaloo covered her face with a hoof.

"Three hours? That's almost no time at all!" Apple Bloom said. "We gotta get started right away!"

Sweetie Belle melted to the floor, overwhelmed by nerves.

"It's hopeless," Sweetie said over-dramatically.

"It's not hopeless! We just need to get started," the apple filly said.

"But where do we start?" Scootaloo asked.

The three girls looked at their list, pondering what the correct way to attack their problem was.

"Well, I think we should leave gettin dressed up for last," Apple Bloom suggested. "That way you can go right to the date. Where are you two going to meet anyway?"

"Outside the schoolhouse," Sweetie answered.

"Alright. That's almost the other side of town, so we have to factor that in," Scootaloo said. "So, how about we start with-"

"How to act."

Scootaloo now had a fake mustache penciled onto her upper lip and wore a faux suit. She stood next to the table where Apple Bloom and Sweetie were seated. Apple Bloom put a camera around her neck while Sweetie Belle squirmed in her seat.

"I'm not sure how this is going to help," Sweetie said.

"It's simple," Apple Bloom replied. "I'm gonna pretend to be Featherweight. You just be yourself and we'll stop to tell you how you should really act."

"O-oh. Okay," Sweetie said.

Scootaloo cleared her throat in an overly dramatic fashion, then materialized a small notepad and pencil.

"Now zen sir and madam. May I take your order?" waiter Scootaloo asked, in a terrible fake accent.

"Why yes," Apple Bloom said in her most confident and uncharacteristically low tone of voice. "I'll have the Mushrooma a la Fancy."

"An excellent and refined choice, miss-ure. Now then, what may I get you, madame?"

Sweetie Belle looked down at the table, which had no menu.

"Uhm. The salad?" she asked.

"WOAH! WOAH! WOAH!" Apple Bloom interjected. "Time out. You can't get a salad."

"What if leaves get caught in your teeth?" Scootaloo added.

"Okay. Uhm. A Hayburger," Sweetie said.

"You can't get that either!" Scootaloo said.

"Why not? I like Hayburgers," the unicorn asked.

"It's not nearly fancy enough for a restaurant like this. You gotta go some place fancy on a date," Apple Bloom said.

Sweetie scrambled for some sort of answer, when she had an idea.

"Oh! I'll have what he's having!" she said proudly.

"Nonono!" Apple Bloom replied. "Then it's unoriginal."

"Then what can I get?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Scootaloo looked to Apple Bloom, unsure of how to respond.

"Water. Water is safe. And, uhm. A sandwich! Yeah!" Apple Bloom said.

"Good idea! That way it's affordable for when he pays for it." Scootaloo added.

"Wait, Featherweight would have to pay for it?" Sweetie asked Scootaloo.

"Of course. I mean, he has a job."

"I don't think he gets paid to work on the Foal Free Press," Apple Bloom interjected. "It's made by the school. And free."

"But stallions always pay for the meal," Scootaloo said. "At least, that's what happens in the movies."

"Well, I'll take some bits, just in case. Can we skip to the part where we actually talk?" Sweetie asked.

Scootaloo frowned and took off the waiter uniform. Fake Featherweight and Sweetie Belle stared at each other intently.

"Nice weather, were having? Aren't we?" Apple Bloom said in her lower voice.

"Uhm. Yeah. It's... nice."

The two girls stared at each other some more, while Scootaloo sat off to the side, taking notes. An awkward moment of silence filled the room.

"Okay, this isn't working," Sweetie said, moving away from the table.

"Oh come on! I could really feel the connection we were having!" Apple Bloom said.

"I don't think that dates are supposed to have long silences where neither pony knows what to say."

"Well, then start sayin' things. Things that Featherweight might not know about you."

"Like what?"

"Uhm. Well. Like singing! Or music! Or school! Maybe talk about family!"

Sweetie thought to herself, then shook her head.

"All of those things are boring though. I do them all the time."

"Which makes you an expert at them!" Scootaloo added, taking her turn. "He doesn't know about those things, so if he's interested in you, he'll ask. That's what always happens in the movies."

"I suppose that makes some sense. If he wants to know more about me... he'll just ask. But then, what should I ask him?"

The fillies looked at each other, unsure how to respond.

"Well, probably the same questions. You gotta find out if he's right for you. What are you looking for in a coltfriend?"

Sweetie's face went red and kicked her hoof against the wooden floor.

"I've never really thought about it before," she replied.

"I mean, he is kinda lanky and clumsy-" Apple Bloom said.

"Or... He's tall and delicate," Scootaloo interrupted.

"I suppose you're right. These are all important things..." Sweetie said. "Wait a second. How much time do we have left?"

"About an hour," Scootaloo replied happily.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's eyes opened wide.

The girls ran as fast as they could to Carousel Boutique. Sweetie Belle tried to compose herself with deep breaths, but it wasn't helping. All sorts of thoughts and worries ran through her head.

'What should I wear?'

'What if I'm late?'

'What if he doesn't like me?'

'What if I do something wrong?'

Her muscles grew more and more tense once they pushed inside the Boutique. The doorbell jingled, catching the attention of Sweetie's older sister, who was folding and displaying new garments for her shop.

"Hi, Rarity," the girls said in unison as they scuttled past the fashion unicorn in a panic.

"My goodness, girls! Whatever is the matter?"

"No time to talk!" Apple Bloom responded. "We have to get Sweetie Belle ready for her date."

The girls continued upstairs as Sweetie's older sister stood still and dropped the dress she was folding.

The door to Sweetie's room slammed shut loudly as the three went to work. Apple Bloom darted to her friend's makeup while Scootaloo went to the wardrobe. Sweetie nervously trotted in place as she watched the two of her friends.

"Maybe I should tell him... Uhm. Uhm. That I'm sick. Yes. I'm sick. And can't make it."

"He just saw you this morning!" Apple Bloom said. "He'll know you're lying."

"Here! Quick! Put this on!" Scootaloo said, throwing Sweetie a pale yellow dress.

Sweetie looked at the dress carefully.

"I haven't worn this in years," she replied.

"Perfect. Then it'll look new. Apple Bloom, why aren't you putting makeup on her yet?"

"Ah don't know what half of these things are! All we have at the farm is lipstick and blush," she replied.

"Wait, what's blush?! Hold on, let me help."

Sweetie struggled to put on the dress, but managed to squeeze her hooves through by holding her breath.

"Come here, Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom said impatiently. "We're runnin outta time!"

Sweetie waddled her best over to the mirror and looked at the girls with a nervous smile.

"Here, you do blush, I do lipstick. Go!" demanded Apple Bloom.

"What is blush?!" Scootaloo asked.

The two fillies went to work on Sweetie Belle's face, bumping hooves and creating small clouds of makeup.

"There! Done!" Scootaloo said, backing away.

The crusaders looked into the mirror at Sweetie's abundance of make up, and dress that was way too small. Sweetie Belle seemed to resemble a clown more than a movie star.

"We're all going to die alone, aren't we?" Sweetie Belle said stoically.

"Knock knock?" Rarity said, pushing the door to Sweetie's room open a little bit. "Just... wondering if you girls needed any help."

The fillies looked at each other and sighed.

"Yes. Please," Sweetie said.

"Oh, good! Why I'd just kick myself if I didn't- OH MY GOODNESS" Rarity screamed, locking her eyes on her little sister. "What have you done?! Apple Bloom! Bring me the whole bottle of make-up remover from the bathroom. Scootaloo! Get me the light-blue and green concept dress from my work room. Stat!"

"What's a stat?!"

Not waiting for a reply, the girls scuttled off as Rarity looked over her sister.

"How much time do we have?" Rarity asked.

"Less than half an hour," Sweetie said, on the brink of tears.

Rarity gave her sister a warm smile and put a hoof under her little sister's chin.

"Dear, let me tell you everything you need to know about dating."

"Wow. You look great, Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo said.

"Like a princess!" Apple Bloom added.

Sweetie smiled to herself as she looked in the mirror. If there was one thing she needed to remind herself, it was that Rarity could certainly work miracles. Her make up was focused on not being too overbearing, but rather accentuated her natural beauty. The dress was certainly new, but it wasn't anything too extreme. The tones were gentle on the eyes and were more of a side dish to the already fantastic main course.

"Thank you, Rarity. So much."

"It's no problem at all, dear. I was happy to help," Rarity said with a proud smile. "If you give me more of a warning for next time, then we can really do something spectacular."

'If there is a next time,' Sweetie thought to herself.

Sweetie Belle trotted away from the mirror to her sister and wrapped her hooves around her. Rarity held Sweetie close, as a warmth spread through the souls of both sisters.

"Now now, watch the make up. You don't want it to smear. Also, use your best manners when you eat. Not only will it give a good impression, but you can prevent staining that dress. But finally, what's the most important thing dear?"

Sweetie broke the hug and looked up to her sister.

"Be myself. Have fun. And look to make a new friend," she answered.

"That's right. Now then, run along or you'll be late!

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom trotted towards their friend as Rarity held up a hoof to stop them from tagging along.

"The three of us will wait right here until you come back. Then you can tell us all about it. If things go poorly, we can all go out for ice cream. Does that sound alright?" Rarity said with a smile.

Sweetie smiled and nodded. Somehow, it felt like there was a massive weight lifted off of her shoulders. Just knowing that her sister was there for her was great, but it was her advice that really set Sweetie Belle at ease.

"Alright! I'm going then. See you all in a bit!"

Sweetie Belle leaped out of her room and ran out of Carousel Boutique. She wondered what she and her date would be doing on this bright sunny day. A walk through the park? A modest lunch? It could be almost anything. Would it be romantic? Would it be sweet? Or would it be more focused on fun? She couldn't wait to find out.